Part 40

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While everyone gather at the dinner table, Andrew saw the sight that make him mad. He saw Lillie laughing together happily with the boys especially with the guy name Steve. He notice Johnny watching them with a smile like a proud father. That makes him more mad because it seems like Johnny ships them.

Andrew exhale his breath loudly while fixing his t-shirt and approach them after. He clear his throat caught their attention to him. " What are we eating tonight? " He ask while pretend to look around the table.

Steve chuckles softly " it's gonna be surprise cause the foods are really specially made by us ".

Andrew look at him surprise but maintain cool " you mean you cook and the others too? " He say while pointing to the other five guys. They all nodded making Andrew left speechless.

But Johnny provoke him " yeah what a husband material they all are. They deserve a loving wife who can be sincere to them ".

Andrew knew Johnny say that sarcastically as if he try to point out that he's a useless husband. Andrew giving a glare and roll his eyes annoyed trying to ignore him by not saying anything back to him.

Steve chuckles softly " nah don't say that. We are not that perfect husband material " he deny shyly.

Johnny shake his head " no don't say that you are I mean look you are such a gentleman, you even cook, you have the looks and bod. All girls dying want to have a man like you ".

Andrew roll his eyes annoyed cause he know he compliment Steve so much to signal him to like Lillie too. Johnny notice how annoyed Andrew is so he try to annoyed Andrew more by asking him something.

Johnny clap his hand " so, what's your ideal type though ". Lillie look at Johnny with her eyes wide open surprise because the question sounds suspicious and unexpected for her.

Steve can't deny that question do make him quite flustered but he try to maintain cool " oh I would love to have a loving wife who are sincere and care for me like how I do. Of course I want a forever love partner I could be with until the rest of my life " he respond calmly.

Andrew giving a glare because he feel like Steve is his rival and he saw how impressed Johnny is by his answer. Andrew knew he would not lose here so he try to avoid the topic " so when will the foods come because I'm hungry I kinda feel excited to taste the foods you've guys cook ".

Steve chuckle " I will get it ready. Okay it's time to serve " he say raising his voice giving orders to the waitress to serve the foods. Everyone then came to serve the foods making everyone waiting with their jaw dropped.

Lillie and Johnny scoffs surprise and impressed at the same time. Meanwhile, Andrew who saw them with his face frowning intimidatingly. He get more envious of Steve because Steve is the kind of guy every girls would die for.

He's a great man with a nice loyal heart, a great cook, a gentleman, handsome and tall. It's the kind of guy Johnny would like for Lillie his sister. But Johnny matter someone's personality the most. Andrew then walk away feeling mad didn't want to face any of them.

Lillie notice Andrew walk away but Johnny who saw he walk away smirk because he like to see how jealous or envious Andrew get. Steve notice but he's confuse that Andrew suddenly walk away.

" I thought he's hungry where is he going? " Steve ask.

Johnny butt in " don't bother him I think he have business to do ".

Ethan pat Steve's shoulder " I will go to him first and check on him. I'll come back later " he say and Steve nodded. Ethan ran to Andrew immediately before he lose sight of him.

Andrew who sat on the bench with a glass bottle of alcohol on his hand. Ethan who saw Andrew sitting there staring while gulping on his alcohol without even stopping.

Ethan immediately ran to Andrew to stop him from gulping more of his drink. Andrew giving a glare and shove him away from him " why are you stopping me? Go away! " He chase Ethan away.

Ethan sigh and held his hand to stop him " stop drinking like this you will get drunk " he say while struggling to snatch the alcohol away from him but Andrew still try to hold onto the glass bottle.

Ethan then surrender because Andrew strangely stronger even though he's drunk. Andrew roll his eyes and gulp on his alcohol more making Ethan look at him worried. " Are you for real right now? ".

Andrew look at him with his eyes only half open already getting drunk because of how strong the alcohol is. " What? " He ask in a tough way.

Ethan sigh " where did you even get this? " He ask while pointing to the glass bottle.

Andrew look around making Ethan look around along too. " There's a waiter bringing this bottle so I ask for it and drink it ".

Ethan roll his eyes and shake his head speechless. " You're drunk, you should go back to your room ".

Andrew straight away stand up even though he lose his balance a bit " yeah that's what I wanna do " he say and want to walk away but the way he walk is not balance at all making Ethan worried had to guide him and hold him making sure he didn't fall down and kiss the floor.

When they arrive, Andrew shove Ethan away " go I can handle by myself until here. Go back to them and eat dinner with them I'm sure they're waiting for you ".

Ethan are not confident with Andrew because of his drunk state " are you sure? I'm gonna send you until the room ".

Andrew shake his head and push Ethan away " I know how to handle myself until here don't worry. Just go " he insist.

Ethan knew it's useless to argue so he surrender " okay I will. Just call if you need help I will be coming for you " he remind. Andrew nodded and signaling him to go. Ethan then walk away while looking back feeling worried of Andrew but he ran to them after.

Andrew sigh while walking and stop feeling confuse. He look at the two house room confuse which is his room. He wanted to call for Ethan but he saw Ethan is already out from his sight so he just go straight away to the house room enter and just lay himself down on the bed roughly.

Meanwhile, Lillie after finish her meal she felt sleepy and tired from all the packing. She ask their permission " I think I will need to go back now because I feel quite sleepy right now ".

They all nodded " okay sure go don't force yourself to be awake " Steve said to her. Lillie nodded with her smile and Steve did the same too. Johnny who watch them just smiling secretly feeling proud that Lillie and Steve looks like they are getting close.

Lillie walk into her house room and straight away lay herself down on the bed. She felt so tired and lazy to bath or change her clothes because all she could think of is just lay down and sleep.

The next morning, Lillie stretch herself to wake up but she felt something on her body. She try to open her sleepy eyes and saw Andrew is lying next to her with his body shirtless.

Lillie look at him with her eyes wide open surprise wondering how did Andrew ended up next to her. Lillie start to scream making Andrew wake up startled.

Andrew look at her and himself who is shirtless confuse. Andrew scream while wiggle his body till he fall down from the bed. They both look at each other surprise and panic at the same time.

They both start to wonder, did they both did something unexplainable last night?

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