XXIV -Everyone Lies Once In A While

Start from the beginning

It didn't matter what game Adam had rolled up his sleeves, he sure understood what would draw her attention to his proposal. Hearing that name, Xosha felt every trace of pride leave her body. Jeremiah was going to be there? Now, that was a trap.

"Wait!" She called, running after his paced footsteps, "What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean? Carters?" He faced her, now they weren't so far from each other. His buff figure towered above her.

She began to get angry again, "Look, you just want to use the little knowledge you have against me. So, you're aware I have feelings for your friend–"

"Please, don't get flattered. Everyone knows you like Jeremiah. You don't do so well hiding that ugly jealous look on your face whenever he talks to someone that's not you. Oh, and the turning towards his direction every four minutes, is just...sad" He rolled his honey brown eyes.

She immediately was taken aback, "So, this is all because you somehow feel pity for me?"

"Yes" He replied almost immediately, "It's okay if you don't want to go. I mean, I just thought I'd be doing you a favor"

She didn't even want to stop and wonder if she'd be available.

"When's the party?"

"Friday night"

Shit, she had a sleepover with Dawn on Friday this week. She could absolutely plead with Dawn and head to wherever the party would be held. She felt lucky that the universe had worked with her to place events that'd correspond with each other.

"Fine" she sighed, "I'd be there"

"Don't act like you're doing this for me" He took out his smartphone from his pocket, "Your number? I'd send the address and all"

She took it from his grasp, wanting to go back on her words. She really disliked Adam. He was right. Of course she wasn't doing this for him. Never would she do anything for him. He was the most irksome person she had ever met. Even with his attractive features, she couldn't point out anything she could sincerely be attracted to. He had an awful character, and seeing him attempt to play 'matchmaker', was extremely bemusing.

He took his phone back and turned to go, "See you, then"


He stopped in his tracks.

"Thanks for...you know, this. But know that, nothing would still make me become friends with you"

"Get over it, Carters. Like I said, I am not here to make friends with you"

As he walked out of sight, she tried to digest the whole situation. Adam Haynes invited her to a party, all because of Jeremiah. Again, he had given her another proof that maybe, her hardwork would soon pay off.


Jeremiah laid back on the desk in the empty room where he studied. His eyes were on the white sheet of paper on his hands for the longest time.

It was his first preparatory test for AP physics.

He stared at the red mark placed on the top of the paper.


He had never gotten a C before. Not even something as insignificant as a class activity. He wondered what went wrong, and most especially, how to avoid his father from getting hold of this test sheet. He decided to rip it apart to a million tiny pieces once he got home. Coming from a family of highly determined perfectionists, his every move in school was inspected. Particularly now that he had to ensure he passes all his subjects to prevent anything such as an extra year. His dad wasn't the best at communicating and succeeded in making him believe that anything below an A, was an embarrassment. Growing up, he held unto that and worked hard to be a straight A student. Today, he got a C and it triggered him deeply.

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