it was finally 12:49PM, I finished my food and a few more paperwork to get it done faster.
I decided to go to the meeting area early, nothing wrong with that right?

i went to the meeting area and found a chair to sit in, Britain and france were already there, including Austria, And Norway.

After the others arrived, we finally started the meeting.

'After the 1 hour long meeting'

"And, that is all. Any others?" britain asked.
it was silent, however, i raised my hand.

"Are you sure you want East germany to be in my custody?"
"Yes USSR, you're going to have to deal with it wether you like it or not." He responded
i made a small nod, i wonder how Reich is going to react to this.
Most of eastern europe was gonna be under communist regime now too. With me controlling it.

"The division of germany is going to start on 1949, And you're Part, USSR will be at 1948, to prepare ourselves, however we will hand over D.R.G To you by next week.."
The meeting ended

just like that, it ended.

next week was already Christmas. Should this be a suprise to Reich or something?.

I decided to shove it off for now and Think about it later.
i still had more shitty paperwork to do.

'Hours later, 7:58 PM'

after going through stages of Greif, Stress, annoyance,Procrastination, and laziness. I finally finished all those shits..
i sounded a bit sigh of releif, i can finally go fucking home now!! I stood up happily preparing to pack my things and go home.
I went out the door, the hallway was somewhat empty-ish.

I went out the building, to my car, and drove home.

I Parked in the driveway, it was surprisingly ,quite clean,except some snow has started to cover it, They definitely Shoveled it didn't they?
i went out and opened the door to see The kids Doing their thing, Playing, Sleeping, and more.
Reich was just reading a book. We both stared at each other for a moment.
Belarus ran up to me and hugged me.

Ukraine and Russia seemed to have death stared at each other, probably one of their 'small' fights again.
"You should see what Mr.Reich cooked for us!" Belarus Exclaimed. I look over at Reich to see him hiding his face behind the book.

I head over the table to see Stringed Beans, ive seen it before, as far as i can remember, its called
'Grüne Bohnen' in German, Reich.. Gave this to me once as a gift when we reconciled back in 1933.
It may be basic, but with the spices, toppings and everything else, it all comes together.

Ah, the nostalgia.

'After dinner'

I washed my dish and placed it where it belongs in the cupboard.
after that i went to the living room to see Reich with Latvia,Lithaunia,and Estonia. He was reading a storybook to them.

I then went downstairs to the basement to get a few things.


I dropped the box full of decorations infront of my kids who were gathered.

"Considering how its christmas next week, lets start decorating shall we?"

The kids were excited, the others were happy, and some just smiled.

Reich just stared.

I set up the christmas tree for them to decorate.
I turned around to see Christmas decorations on the walls put up by Reich and the others.

Everything was going good so far.

I was thinking if we could go to the park tomorrow, after all. Its almost christmas, why not have some fun?

I thought about the idea for a few seconds then informed them.
"Were going to the park tomorrow by 2 in the afternoon, does that sound good? Just thought we could.. enjoy christmas atleast." i forced a chuckle after.


those words could be heard from them.
Reich only remained silent. With a small smile.
i was starting to worry.
Wait. worry?

i shrugged off the feeling but it wouldnt let me go.
I wanted to talk to him alot, Be with him. be friends with him.
but this fury and agony of. what He, had done.
I dont know if it can even be forgiven..

I sat down at the couch. Watching them decorate the tree.

I stared at Reich for most of the time.
this wasnt pure happiness. this just wasnt him at all.
i know him, more than anyone else could be.
even though we act like strangers now.

I could never forget who he was.

how can i?..

in a glimpse of an eye it was finished.
Reich sat down at the couch with me to take a rest.

"Pretty tiring, eh?" i tried to start a conversation
"Ja, it is." he sighed loudly.
"your kids are pretty active, they're hard to control" He added.
i only chuckled.

"A few of you're kids doesnt seem to be liking me."
"Thats normal." I replied.
"Its not like they liked Afghanistan alot either."
"hmm? why? how so? She seems like a nice person?"

"She isnt what you think she is. If you piss her off once she'll definitely hit you.Or even worse, who knows, Thats why she tries to remain calm often, showing a harmless,'innocent' demeanor"

"i see.."

We continued chatting about some other topics before we heard Ukraine in the kitchen

"The hot chocolate is ready!!" she exclaimed.
Everyone got their Mugs. And so did we.

we sat at the dining table, beside each other.
it was a rather awkard atmosphere.
we also felt some stares.

We finished our hot chocolate and placed them in the sink.

it was already 10PM.
It was the kids bedtime

We told the kids and they went in their rooms.
i closed off the lights and other shit
  I went upstairs And saw Reich walking to the end of the hallway, it reminded me of the time he just.
left me like that in the battlefield.

I went into my room to take a bath. Changed clothes and checked to eee if everyone was asleep.
Technically, i would still be awake at this time, but i didnt feel like staying awake any further. Especially after doing stacks of shit in the office, i just wanted to rest right now.

i went to my bed and layed downy turned off the lights and well, just fell asleep.

this one was long asf 😃.
Happy christmas break, ill do more chapters during it. Ye

1779 Words

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