Morning Hours+Drunk+Described

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Still reichs Pov:

holy shit its cold.. wait.. am i awake? it doesnt seem like that dream so i assume i am. urhh my head hurts.
deustchland..... i whisper out remembering what happened before i fainted.

oh.... your awake. soviet muttered out half asleep before returning to his slumber. oh well its funny seeing him like that.

I wonder what time it is- Its 2:58 AM?- was i really unconscious for that long? it was just afternoon a minute ago. oh well

i sighed staring at the ceiling infront of me. i feel so lazy to get up right now however im not tired enough to go back to sleep. argh.

its so cold too... i tightened my grip on the blanket
and went under the sheets. and thought of life for w moment.. however o didnt realize that "moment" was a whole good 3 hours and startled myself looking at the clock at how much time had passed. has it really been 3 hours?

i got up to still see soviet by my bedside sleeping. i mildly blushed at the site.

i stood up and went to the bathroom turned on the lights. i stood infront of the mirror shaking mildly as the room is colder than the bedroom itself.

i opened the hot water tap on the tub and soaked myself in it.

the warmth hitting against my skin eased my thoughts as it battles against the cold temperature of the night . The cold winter of this land, it annoys me however. this moment seems.... awfully comforting.

i got out of the tub after i took a warm bath and changed my clothes with the extra ones they had brought me.

i went outside and the sun has started to rise as gradients of orange light enter the kitchen through the window. it was 5:24 am now. i prepared myself a cup of hot coffee staring at the window infront of me

i got my decent cup of coffee and noticed one of the cupboards slightly open, i was curious so i opened it and saw a glorious stash of that russians vodka. i closed it not wanting trouble and went straight to the table and sat down sipping my coffee peacefully

i heard the bedroom door open to see soviet.

Soviet pov:
Augh... im so sleepy.. what time is it? i glanced at the clock. its 5:31am now.. i wonder if reichs awake. i then looked at the bed to see it empty. he must be outside by now? the bathroom light is open.

i stood up and stretched a little and went to open the door and went out of the room to see him sipping coffee.

i sat down at the opposite side of the table and made my head lay down on the table(idk how to describe that)

can you.. hand me a cup of coffee? i asked reich

alright. he replied back

after a few minutes i got my coffee and its about quarter to six now. I've always thought of befriending him again. should i?... what if he betrays me again?
i was so lost in my thoughts i didnt even notice reich was beside me until he started shaking my ass off

hallo? sowjet?? you there? he said in a low voice not trying to wake the others up.

ii- uh? Да im here i answered

we stared at each other for a minute
before he tried to leave the chair i held his hand for some reason

he shot at me immidietly from shock and it was kind of obvious he was mildly blushing. unexpected reaction, i chuckled at the sight before he quickly took back his hand again and left to the other side of the table. before realizing what had happened why did i hold his hand like that?..

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