Chapter 17

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The two set out the next day after receiving the enemy base's coordinates and enough information for them—Mostly Dazai—to know what to do.

They were lurking in the shadows as they hid in bushes, behind trees, and were occasionally moving to a different place as quietly as they could when they heard nearby movement that wasn't them.

"So, are we going for the silver-haired guy first, or are we going for the entire base?" Dazai whispered, making sure Chuuya would agree to his plans properly instead of having to deal with complaints of Chuuya saying he didn't needed to be told what to do.

"Let's go for Shirase." Chuuya answered as he stared at the man he once knew.

Silver hair that Chuuya suspected he had grown out which had been tied into a half-ponytail, a dark grey coloured shirt, a crimson red vest, dark pants, and combat boots.

Chuuya had noticed Shirase still had the blue bracelet and that same necklace from before, but now he had a pair of earrings too.

"Chuuya, we need to hide somewhere else." The brunette spoke as he heard footsteps walking closer towards them and the snapping of the branches above them as if someone were jumping onto them—the branches—to sneak up.

The two ran as quietly as they could possibly be into a big bush that concealed them even if they stood.

It was close enough to the Sheep's base, but it was far enough for them to not be seen.

"Chuuya, I'll be the decoy." Chimed Dazai.
"That way, we can surprise them with your attack."

"Sounds decent enough."

Dazai stalked out to the side of the bush where he could be seen by another Sheep member; Yuan.

"Oi! Shirase!" She called as her eyes seemed to glisten in the moonlight. "Someone trespassed!" She went on as Shirase ran to her.

Her pink hair was now slightly shorter and in a bun, flowing neatly from the cold winter air, her clothes were fit for hand-to-hand combat as they were tight enough for no one to get a hold of them, and she now wore half-finger gloves in a darker blue than the bracelet she wore, and she was slightly dusted in snowflakes.

"Why are you here?!" The platinum haired male interrogated almost intimidatingly enough for Dazai to feel fear.

"Ah, nothing." Dazai chuckled. "Do you remember me?"

"What makes you think we do?" Yuan snarled, putting her hand into her pocket to grab something.
Dazai had suspected she'd grab a butterfly knife.

"'Most feared Port Mafia Executive'. Are you sure that doesn't ring a bell?" Dazai asked. "Although I'm not in the Mafia anymore, you can still count it."

The two's eyes widened in surprised in hearing the Port Mafia being mentioned.

"Osamu Dazai!" Shirase called in realization. Yuan had pulled out her knife. Just as Dazai expected, it was a butterfly knife.

It was a black one with hints of grey on the handle and the blade itself with modifications Dazai could only describe as carved in spikes to make the stab more painful for the victim to experience when the blade was to be taken out.

"Oh, my." The brunette sighed out in disappointment. "The Sheep members are still as cowardly as they used to be since they don't really go for hand-to-hand combat."

"I suppose I should be 'scared' with the switchblades Shirase-kun and Yuan-chan are holding?" He followed on with a quick chuckle.

"Yeah! You should!" Yuan exclaimed.

"My, my," the bandaged male grinned slyly. "I wonder how the King of Sheep would feel about this."

"What do you mean?" The silver-haired male interrogated.

"Oh, you don't remember?" Dazai's anthracite eyes darkened up as he formed a smirk on his lips.

"Nakahara Chuuya, former Sheep King."  Leered Dazai.
"I guess you all hate him?"

Just then, before Shirase could press the button on his switchblade, a rock—supposedly a boulder—had appeared in the sky, flying towards them.

Dazai leapt back knowing Chuuya had done the surprise attack he had told him to do.

"Shit!" Shirase yelled. "Yuan, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yuan declared.
"This must be-"

"Hi, Chuuya!" Dazai greeted. "You're just in time."

"Hey there, you two." Chuuya grinned. "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"Chuuya?" The two called out in unison.

"Yup!" The brunette exclaimed back, his smile becoming more fond as he looks at Chuuya's destructive work.

"I'll leave the rest of the work to you, Chuu."
"Why to me?"
"Because only you know what you want to do with them."
"Well, I'll be over here now."
"Fine, fine."

Chuuya had watched softly as Dazai walked off to the side but proceeded to look back at the two people standing before him as soon as he heard his name being called.

"Now, I'll get down to business."


After another successful mission of infiltrating an enemy base and getting the files they needed, Chuuya had kept fidgeting and looking down as they walked back to their home with the files in possession.

"Chuuya, my little Slug, is anything wrong?" The brunette asked as he noticed the ginger's fidgety-ness.

"Just feeling a little bad." Chuuya sighed.

"Why?" Dazai questioned.

"I don't know; maybe it's because of the memories they shared together with me?" Chuuya answered.

"Maybe it's because I'm scared that they won't forgive me? But then again, why would they?"
"Because they betrayed me."
"... Why?"

Chuuya finally felt annoyed at the repeating question.

"I don't know, okay?" He snapped. "Stop asking me questions!"

Dazai stopped mid-walk in the dark of the night, the midnight light illuminating him beautifully.

"Why did you-"

"Chuuya, what you're feeling isn't fear, nor is it anger." Dazai spoke up, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Then what is it?" Chuuya hissed in a confused manner.

"What you're feeling is guilt." The brunette said.
"You're guilty of the fact you killed them knowing you still cared about them."

"Why would I be guilty of that?"
"Because they were once like family to you."
"When neither Verlaine nor Moriko were there to help, they, the Sheep, were there for you."
"Let's just go home."

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