"Hey where ya-" Ichigo was interrupted by a punch in the stomach. 

"Shut the fuck up." Grimm says as he walks in the house.

Renji looks all confused but puts two and two together. "I think he was fucking her too Ichigo. He looked really mad just then when you said it." 

"Well what- the fuck does that have to- do with me?" Ichigo says coughing through his sentence and holding his stomach.

Grimmjow walked back in and up the stairs, just him and his thoughts as he fired himself up even more. He bursts through your door, and not to his surprise you're sleeping. He thought twice about disturbing your sleep, his lip fluttering with multiple things he could say to you but no words came out. He thought about just turning around and taking his frustration out by fucking Nel, but that's not who he wanted. You looked so cute laying there in bed, face calm and beautiful like usual, your hand curled up next to your face, meanwhile the other is cuddled onto the squishmallow. He thought you were the cutest. Plans changed when he stared at you closer and saw light purple-reddish marks on your neck and collarbone, and then his anger flared, he reached for your tank top to snatch it open but ended up tearing it off and leaving three scratch marks across your chest in the process. This causes you to wake up and you looked around confused and also upset, why is Grimmjow in your room, why does he look so angry and why did he just tear your tank top off and scratch you?

"You have fucking hickies on you? You're a fucking trashy ass bitch you know that? You go and fuck Ichigo? Ichigo of all people in this house?!" He's seething.

"What the fuck is it to you? Who cares who I go and fuck it's my business not yours. You scratched the hell out of me! And why did you wake me up? I'm tired." You try and cover your chest with the blanket.

"I don't give a fuck about you being tired, you're tired cause you were up all night being a goddamn whore."

"So fucking what?! What's it to you!?"

"What's it to me? You're out giving away my pussy! Mine!"

You laugh and shake your head. He pissed you off with how he woke you up, but man was he sexy while yelling at you. He's so mad, and it turned you on. What also turned you on was that you have this effect on him, his eyes so full of rage, the veins in his neck and arms, and how his muscles flex when he's yelling. He's melting you so much right now and has no clue.

"Grimmjow is that why you're mad? My pussy is not yours bro, you have a whole girlfriend laying in your bed don't you? I am not your girlfriend Grimmjow."

Grimmjow's face goes plain, and hearing those words slashes something in him, yeah he knows you aren't his girlfriend but he wants you to be. He has an emotionless expression and his eyes lower and looks less intense as he turns around and gives you his back.

"Yeah but- I want you to be." He says very low.

"What was that?"

He looks over his shoulder, looking back at you, his face goes from emotionless to angry again.

"Tch, nothing. Fuck you." He says walking out of your room not bothering to close the door.

"Fuck you too Grimmjow." You say out of pettiness, even though you didn't mean it.

You get off the bed and slam the door shut plopping back down on your bed. Tears started forming but you sucked them up. He was trying to make you feel guilty when you didn't do anything wrong, he's the one who didn't admit he had a girlfriend, he's the asshole so why do you feel like shit? You snatch open your laptop flicking through romantic comedy flicks on Netflix to take your mind off of what just transpired. Now that you think of it, it kind of sounded as though Grimmjow said that he wanted you to be his girlfriend...

Co-Ed Love. (Grimmjow X Reader) LEMONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin