Chapter 3: A home cooked meal 🧟🧟‍♀️

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Third POV:

As Storm took the group to a safe house she saw how everyone treated each other. Dale seemed to be someone that was a father figure, Carl seemed to be someone that is protective of the people he loves, Carol seems to be a woman that is not like the women I was raised with and seemed caring, kind, submissive, and loving and Daryl seemed to be just like Carol but looks like to have trust issues and is not really talkative. In the whole ride to the house, I saw even when no one was paying attention, Yasmine and Daryl were eyeing each other. Oh oh...

Carol looks like she gets easily scared. She must've went through something. I am curious to know but I am not going to ask. Not my business to know. Maybe she will tell me with time and maybe she will change her demeanor? Who knows.

I interrupted the peaceful talking of the group and said, "So where did you guys come from and what were you before the apocalypse?"

Rick replied first, "I was a Sheriff before this whole thing started. I lived in Atlanta with my wife Lori and my son Carl." Hmm... When my friend Rick said that everyone in my group looked at Rick and then at me. We are going to get along just well.

"I was Rick's partner," Shane added, looking at me with lust in his eyes.

Everyone explained to me what they did in the apocalypse but one thing for sure was that when Carol talked about her life before this whole shit she was scared to talk about it.

I wonder why? Abusive husband? Abusive boyfriend? Girlfriend? I wonder what.

"What did you guys do," Glenn asked with happiness.

"We are on the opposite of the law or the opposite side of Rick's field," I replied to Glenn. When I replied with that statement Daryl looked at me with an expression that someone gets when a child gets a Christmas present. As I said that Carl asked, "What did you do specifically?"

"Murder, dealing, anything illegal that does not involve human trafficking. That shit disgusts me." Once I said that I instantly apologized, "Oh sorry for my language," giving the apology towards Carol and Sophia. Carol seemed to notice and gave me a small warm smile.

Close to two hours have passed and we were close to the house.

As we kept talking and Riley was driving, switching with Dale every 30 minutes, we finally reached the house. It was a small house surrounded by the woods but it was heavily gated. Even if no one was maintaining, no walkers were going to be able to get through.

^on the top bar is the picture of the house

I managed to open the gates surrounding the house and Dale parked the RV in the driveway and locked the gates behind us. When we arrived everyone was shocked. I didnt know what people were shocked about. It was a house. A regular house. I know people dont have big houses but still. If they are surprised with the outside, let's see the inside. I opened the door with the key in a secret compartment in the thick door barely noticeable.

As we went inside everyone looked like it was heaven.

I brought the attention to myself and locked the door. As I locked the door I decided to give them a tour, "Okay, let's give you a tour."

I showed them the two ways upstairs. The front door stairs or the back door stairs.

Here is what it looks like.

Here is what it looks like

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