Other Information Part 2 + Chapter 2: Saving Sophia and Giving Shelter🧟🧟‍♀️

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Storm's RV

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Storm's RV

Inside Storm's RV(everything is black or white) - there are about 5 cubicles or beds on the sides deep inside the RV

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Inside Storm's RV(everything is black or white) - there are about 5 cubicles or beds on the sides deep inside the RV.

Storm's black bus

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Storm's black bus

1st part of the bus(beginning section)- there are about 5 to 8 cubicles for beds like bunk beds on the sides

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1st part of the bus(beginning section)- there are about 5 to 8 cubicles for beds like bunk beds on the sides.

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Negan's Daughter (10K X  fem. OC X Carl Grimes Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora