Lost X In The X Unknown

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Hello, fellow readers! It's been quite a long time since I developed a fic on this site, and admittedly, I should've been more committed to my other story, which is definitely not dead, but other distractions in life happened. Now, recently I watched and finished the Hunter X Hunter 2011 anime series which quickly became one of my top series to watch. Killua being my favorite from the franchise.

I had been thinking of writing a story for this beautiful series for a long time, and I was scrolling through this site and realized that people had yet to write a story of HxH crossed over with DC. I thought it would've been interesting to see both franchises crossing over, I think they could mold pretty well, considering both have similar tones. I thought up an idea inspired by other crossover fics, and here we are with this story. Now, this DC Universe where Killua is trapped will have elements I have borrowed from multiple DC media such as the comics (Mainly Post-Crisis and Rebirth), movies, animated series (DCAU), and games (Arkhamverse).

Disclaimer: Characters in this story belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and DC, respectively.

This chapter has been edited.


Killua sat in a fetal position as he leaned against the apartment window. His sharp ocean-blue eyes roamed across the vast scenery of the downtown skylines of the city. The sky alone showed signs of the sun ascending through the horizon that was enveloped by the towering structures of the city. The boy sighed grimly.

This marked the third day since he had found himself stranded in this town with no clear evidence of arriving there physically and consciously. Admittedly, he had remained dazed and sat still frivolously in this unused room of this apartment he had infiltrated in this entire period; he just couldn't process the recent series of events that transpired.

He had no time for that. This situation at hand was the priority that had been a thorn in his side the entire time.

He made various attempts to use his phone, but for some twisted reason, it couldn't detect any compatible signal. He tried contacting Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, or anybody, but to no avail. It was like he was not even in the world anymore.

In fact, this city shouldn't even exist, he initially thought he wound up back in York New City, but he had no recognition of the skylines. Was he in a country that he never knew? But that was impossible. When he trained as an assassin, he was required to know and study the entire map of the known world, so that couldn't be it. The letterings he would see on every surface were impossible to decipher. He recognized the language. It was much more uncommon than the universal tongue that was heavily relied on. Still, regretfully he had never made any effort to teach it to himself.

Killua sighed once more. It would be a struggle to locate a library, not to mention to communicate with the locals. His already dreary spirit sunk further as the thought came to mind; he was alone. Alluka wasn't with him. He missed Gon terribly, as it had been an entire year since he parted ways with his best friend. Kurapika and Leorio came to mind as well, he might not have been as close to them as to Gon, but if they were to step through the room door, he'd jump up in joy. Killua clasped his hands tighter against his knees, his face was nonchalant, but it was clear it upheld melancholy. He could feel the dam behind his eyes threatening to leak, but he was having none of that.

Killua slanted his eyes. He knew his friends were fine as they pursued their goals. But his sister was the one he was worried about most, "Alluka..."

He remembered exactly what had happened before he found himself in this city. Illumi, his brother, had finally found them after a whole year of traveling the world with Alluka. He and she had gone to many places, taking in many beautiful sceneries of the world and cityscapes during that period, all while avoiding the Zoldyck influence.

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