Shoto heals as the Girls learn Izuku is in pain.

Start from the beginning

    "Oh I forgot. Eri hop down and open the door to my room." Eri does as asked and standing there looking sheepish is Ochaco Uraraka "Um hello Todoroki-san and Himura-san. I am sorry if I am intruding but Izuku sensei said this was necessary for you to hear." She says as she steps in then looks at me. I give her a wink. "Tell them Uraraka-san. I'm sure they're going to be fine with it." She sighs. "I am the 9th wielder of OFA. I inherited All Mights power. I also come with a request Shoto Todoroki." Shoto looks stunned as Rei just blinks a bit before gasping. "You're the secret 9th that Izuku Strife said he was to train to surpass the Symbol of Peace!" Ochaco nods. "Shoto Todoroki. I ask a selfish request that I do not have any right to. Will you allow me to be one of your mother and sisters guards. I am not a strong fighter but I will give my life to protect them. I don't know the whole story as Izuku said you all aren't ready to tell it. I will not pry but with me, Aizawa sensei, and Izuku sensei as their guards I can feel I'm fixing a small part of All Mights many wrongs. Please Shoto Todoroki Grant my request." She says with a bow. Ms Himura looks at Shoto as he is thinking this over. "If you don't say yes I will. It's obvious she wants to do this even though she admits herself she is not ready for this. But i can feel her words have conviction Shoto. She truly wants to correct the wrongs and if this helps her I want her to have the chance." Shoto smiles at his mother. "Very well 9th OFA user Ochaco Uraraka. Though you needn't be so formal. Yes you can help protect them but you better learn how to control that power soon. As from what I saw at USJ it destroys your body to use it." Rei gasps at that. And walks to Ochaco. "Yet you still wish to protect us? How can you put yourself through that?" I spoke up next.

      "Because she knows she can't give up and how much it means to restoring this society that you and your daughter are saved from the demon posing as a hero. Ochaco Uraraka may not look it but she's very tough and extremely brave. She fought hard to save her entire class. She was the last one standing. Even after Shoto fell she had already broken many bones but kept fighting Ms Himura. That kind of willpower and determination to save lives is rare and needs to be cultivated. I am going to help her wield that power properly. By this time next week her ability to control it will be greatly increased. She may doubt herself but I have faith this beautiful young woman before you will stand strong against any storm you two face." Ms Himura hugs her surprising Ochaco but Ochaco hugs her back and whisoers something in her ear. Himura smiles and says. "Yes. Also Strife just call me Rei. It doesn't feel right to make someone such as yourself or Ochaco here call me Himura or Ms Himura. I trust you both." I smile at her. "Well Rei I am honored for your trust also you all can just call me Izuku. Now princess snowball here has a request and a gift for you as well." Eri hops up. "Can I hug you Pretty Rei?" Rei shocked at such a simple request does as asked. "Of course little Eri." She says as Eri hugs her and whispers in her ear before asking me to hand the gift to Rei. "Rei I know not if this will work with you and Fuyumi already having quirks. But this is materia. This one here is healing magic. I will take my time to help you and your daughter practice with it. Right now it is not super strong as it needs to have experience to grow but it can heal anything up to a broken limb instantly." I say as I hand her a green colored orb. As she holds it she looks at in awe. "Eri. It's time. Head to Uncle Zawa okay honey?" I say as Eri smiles. And runs off.

     "Ochaco come in and close the door. Now you four what you're about to see will not make sense but have faith in me okay. I can fix this in an instant." As I pull out my sword and step back away. They watch. As I focus my breathing. "Now Rei once mastered that materia I gave you can heal even life threatening injuries that are mere seconds from death. Here I'm going to show you" I say as I turn the blade on myself and run it through. They scream and panic before I tell them to pull the blade out fast. Ochaco does and I immediately use curaga to fully heal myself. Heart and all. They look on stunned. "See how powerful this is? I just completely destroyed my lungs and heart as well as severed my spine. In under 5 seconds I healed them all." They look on stunned as I show my torso has no new scars. "When healing with this magic it leaves no visible evidence of injury." Rei looks at the orb and understands instanly why Eri gave her that.

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