Chapter 3- Potty Mouth

Start from the beginning

"Hey dad, I'm glad you were serious about only being five minutes cause I'm ready to crawl into my bed for the next week. So what's up?" I ask.

He smiles so big that it makes the skin wrinkle beside his eyes. "Well, kiddo, when Liam and I were almost back to our pack lands, we ran into a trio of kids who walked through the woods all night long just to find you and Jace." He looks down beside himself, then lets out a half chuckle.

"Did you lose the kids? Or is there a possibility that sleep deprivation has made you start seeing things?" I say in confusion since I don't see any kids. Although, to be fair, I did hear them when he called me.

Shit, maybe I'm sleep deprived enough that I was hearing things too.

He bends down and looks down the hallway where we couldn't see. "Hey guys, don't be all shy now. I promise she doesn't bite."

"Not little kids anyways." Micah calls out.

"Fully grown asshats are fair game however," I snarl in his direction. My attention gets abruptly returned to where my father stood as I heard a couple of gasps.

In the doorway where my father was a moment ago stood three kids. The bigger of the three was standing behind the two smaller ones with what I think is a worried look. The two little ones, who, upon first glance I believe to be twins, had their hands over their mouths and wide eyes.

The blonde haired one takes his hand away first and points at me. "You says a bad word." He accuses me.

I open my mouth to instantly apologize, but I end up just letting it hang open, not saying a word. It took me a few seconds, but once recognition hits me, I'm unable to form words properly to say sorry for my bad language. The only thing I am able to do is stand here looking like I saw a ghost while I fought back the tears that were threatening to fall.

My three little fish were currently standing in the doorway, staring at me, like I was at them. The ones the Moon Goddess showed me the last time she dragged me to that stupid island of hers. The same ones who I thought followed me and now lived in the lake out back of mine and Jace's house.

I mean, they were no longer fish, but I recognized them just the same. The chocolate brown one with the caramel spots, the white one with the electric blue spots and the jet black one with matching blue spots as the white one.

Or..maybe sleep deprivation had finally caught up with me, and I was imagining it. The stress my mate put me through could also be a leading factor here in my thinking that the fish had morphed into children, or pups, or whatever it was that I was now currently staring at.

But even just thinking that I might be going crazy felt wrong. Crazy people don't actually know they're crazy, right? And since I have enough thought to think that I am, it must mean that I'm not.

Oh shit, my brain literally just melted down. Now I have no clue if I'm crazy, or not crazy or if these kids are actually my fish, or just regualar kids.

Jace grabs my arm, pulling me out of my internal freak out, at the same time that my plate falls out of my hand. "Are they...." He pauses for a moment, clearly torn between saying what he thought or keeping it to himself. "Are they the fish from our lake?" He finally says. Just hearing it come out of his mouth helps me to calm my racing heart and get my head out from my own ass. He only saw them briefly in the water that one time, but by the look on his face, he recognized them just the same as I did.

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