Royal AU

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Royal AU is an AU where some sticks are members of a royal family. The crowns above their heads show this. I'll post art and designs later, but this is just the basics. 

AU Showdown changes: The Showdown took place in a huge city and there was news coverage of it up until the last ten minutes, when the battle moved to where it initially took place and the newspeople couldn't follow. When they looked for Dark after the fight, they couldn't find him. The crater was empty. 

AU setting: A huge castle with a few villages on its outskirts, a few miles away from Stick City. Second, Chosen, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, and King all live in the castle. Victim is still kind of trapped in the void, but sometimes Second meets them in dreams. Dark was exiled after AVA 5 happened. 

Character Info+Pronouns

The Chosen One: He/They/She (there's plot surrounding this...)(also they're a crossdresser and genderflux), Pansexual. He is part of the royal family, and trains the kingdom's military. The newest recruits are the RGYB Co. 

The Dark Lord: He(earlier on in the story, now {closeted} trans and kinda genderfluid, hard to explain tho)/They/Xe/She, Bisexual. (also some plot here...) Xe used to be part of the royal family, but were exiled and xeir crown was glitched almost beyond repair...{plot plot plot} Xe might have a liiiiiiitle tiiiiiinyyyy crush on Chosen...

The Second Coming: He/Fae/Ae/She/Star (Androgynous), Spectraromantic Demisexual. Fae lives in the castle along with the rest of the Royals and their assistants. Faer best friends are the RGBY co. Ae gets along well with Chosen, although ae just can't seem to understand why he's so stiff and defensive. 

Red: He/They, Panromantic Asexual, clueless on aDuLT fUn. Deaf from an incident that he doesn't remember...{plotplotplotplottttt} He loves animals and uses spawn eggs frequently. He's very energetic and loves to have fun. 

Green: She/Ze, Biromantic Demisexual, Transfem. Blind from the same incident that made Red deaf, but she doesn't remember it either...{PLOTTTTTTT} She really likes listening to music, and what ze lacks in sight she makes up for in hearing. 

Blue: He/They/Xe/Ze/She, genderfluid/genderflux, Pansexual. Zir arms and legs were burned almost to the point of not being useable in the incident...{AUGH THE P L O T } Uses plants to stabilize xeirs legs and be able to walk. They can't really run, so their friends have to help them out sometimes. This is also a huge disadvantage in battle...{PLOT I SWEAR} Zeir right eye is covered by bandages. 

Yellow: He/Ey, Ambiromantic Demiace. He's the only one who remembers the incident that caused their injuries... {augh ima die of plot} Yellow's left eye is missing and covered by a patch. He may or may not have been part of the reason for their injuries, and he freezes up a lot during combat training...

King Mango/Mango Tango/Mango: He/Him, less straight than a circle, aka he's gay. He really hates Chosen and Second because they're the heirs to the throne. He isn't part of the royal family, but wants the throne really badly. He's been trying to depose Chosen and Second. Eventually, the perfect opportunity is offered and he takes it, but at what cost...

Purple: He/They/Xe, also less straight than a circle (gayyayyay). Mango's assistant, doesn't talk to the RYGB Squad much because King doesn't want him to. He is part of the royal family, and Mango uses this to his advantage. His father trained him to fight, but as Purple continually failed to live up to his expectations, he grew angry and left. Slightly later, Purple's mother fell ill and died. Purple was left alone in the world- until he met King, when he saw a chance to 'redeem' himself, in a way. He went with King to prove himself strong enough and good enough, and to earn someone's respect. In a way, he sees King as a replacement father- someone to prove himself to in place of his own father, if that makes any sense. 

Victim: They/Xe/Fae/Ae/Ve, Cupioromanticflux(cupioflux) Ace. A deleted stick figure, the first of the royal line. They were only alive for a few minutes before being deleted by Alan. They live in the Void, a timeless and empty space. Apricot/Gold also lives with them. 

Apricot/Gold: They/Xe/Per/Apri/Gold, Bisexual. A stick figure who was killed by an incident that, according to King, the royal family could have prevented. Xe live with Victim in the Void. 

(I feel like I forgot someone...)



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