"You're moving home then?"

"Definitely not. Morgan, will you please shut up and let me tell you?"

"Fine. What's this big Turkey Day news?"

"I'm getting married."

"WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL DID YOU JUST SPEW FROM YOUR MOUTH?!?! GIRL!!!!" Shit. This doesn't sound good. Is she pissed?

"I'm getting married."

"Abigail Kingston! I sent you to England to find yourself, not find a husband and baby daddy!" She definitely knows. "I thought you weren't going to be with him just because of the baby. What the hell are you doing?"

"Getting married?" Wow. I know it's fast so it's not unexpected for some to be concerned about it, but anger? She sounds angry to me. All my loved ones are happy for us. I just didn't expect Morgan to take it this way.

"I don't even know the dude. I admit he seems like a catch. He's definitely fuckable." Abbie glances at me with a small smirk. "Why can't you just fuck him and have fun? Why the rush to marry him if the baby has nothing to do with this?"

"It's not about the baby. I love him."

"You can love the guy without jumping into marriage. I've never even said two fucking words to the man."

"Is now not a good time then?" She asks as she shifts her phone so I'm included on screen.

Morgan pales slightly. This feels awkward considering everything she just said. "Fuck. Sorry," she mumbles. "Could have given me a fucking heads up here, Abs."

"Sorry! I didn't expect you to react like this."

"Hello," I awkwardly wave at her. What the hell am I suppose to say? Morgan is Abbie's person. I have to win her over. She has to be ok with this. "For the record, I'm definitely a catch." Abbie gives me a huge smile and nods in agreement.

"I can tell you're a nice guy," Morgan says to me, "but I don't know you so I don't trust you. There was that shit with Victor and Ivy and I'm not close enough to the situation to know what the hell is going on." Fuck. She has a right to be suspicious of me. I'm sure Abbie goes to her to complain so she's only getting a one sided picture here.

"I understand your concern, but I think I've proven myself worthy of your Abbie. I love her." I move closer to Abbie and stare into her eyes. "I'll always take care of her and cherish her and our baby. You have my word on that," I say as I turn my attention back to the stranger on the screen.

"Damn, girl. Are we really serious here? We're doing this marriage and baby thing all in one go?"

"Yeah. We are."

"What the fuck, woman! How long have you even been together? You can't possibly know he's your forever in this short amount of time."

"She's my forever," I lament. "I don't need anymore time than this to know I want to make a life with her."

"Holy holy hell!" Tears instantly spring from her eyes. Crying has to be a good sign here, right? "Marriage? You're getting married? We're only 23 for crying out loud. Are we even old enough to get married? You'll never ever come back to me now." Shit. "You're always gonna stay there because you'll have a husband," she sobs.

"Aww, Moo."

"What am I gonna do without you? You're my Abs. I need you. I always thought you'd come back but you're not. Abbie. No. Please. Pick me over him. You're my everything. I'll help you raise your baby. We can do this together. Have a girl power moment." Tears are pouring from Abbie's eyes now too. Fucking shit.

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