What would happen to me?

Was I even still welcome to travel with the group?

Tesha always had the answers, so she was the one we all looked at to lead us ahead. After all the events of today, I thought I'd see some kind of uncertainty on her face. But she conveyed none of that. In fact, she looked like she had planned this from the beginning.

"Asher needs some medical attention," Tesha stated. "The nearest place is the village across the lake. Hopefully by now Asher's friend has gotten rid of the danger and made it safe for him to be treated there. As for what happens after that...I guess we will see."

Stars started to twinkle in the sky and a chilling breeze blew by. The damage resembled a warzone. Which in a way, it was.

The day had been long and exhausting. But as the night came about, it offered the promise of tomorrow.

A new day.


"I can't believe you kids! First you disrupt my cave, then you make me lead you to your kidnapped friend, and now you force me to travel all the way to a town in the middle of nowhere because your friend can't go five seconds without trying to get himself killed? Ridiculous!"

A loud nasally voice woke me up, and I groaned. Light flowed in through the open door of the shed. With a yawn, I got up and walked out of the room. Whether to tell someone to shut up or leave, I wasn't sure.

I let out a yelp when I saw who had been talking. It was a small bluish creature -no more than a foot tall- that waddled with his arms crossed. He gazed at me up and down, making me feel instantly self-conscious.

I wrapped my arms across and glared. "What the heck are you?"

The little alien's face flushed with anger. "Wha-What am I? I'm a better breed than you humans, that's for sure. 'What the heck are you'- is that how kids greet people that look a little different nowadays? Manners never hurt anyone, y'know!"

My head spun at the alien's yelling. I turned around. "That's it. I'm going back to bed."

"Zogi! Thank you so much for coming." The sound of Tesha caused me to face back around.

Her smile, while smaller than it had been before yesterday, was the biggest I had seen in a while. She held out a handful of berries. "Here, I figured you'd be hungry."
"Well, you figured right." In a swift movement, he stuffed the berries in his mouth, wiping his face with his arm. After swallowing, he looked at me and pointed. "See kid? Manners."

"Whatever," I mumbled, still groggy from being woken up.

Tesha coughed. "Zogi, this is Diana. She's the one that had been kidnapped."

With his large eyes, he studied me once again. "Oh, so you're the one I helped save. Good to know my assistance is oh so greatly appreciated."

"Hey, I didn't know you helped save me. But, uh, thank you. I guess."

"You guess. What a piece of work. But enough with this; where's your friend with the determination to die?"

"Asher is still in the healing center," Tesha told him. "Come, I'll lead you to him."

The loud alien followed her and headed towards the small hospital. I was tempted to crawl back in bed and sleep some more, but I hadn't seen Asher since the previous night. I didn't even know if he was still okay.

After yesterday's battle, it all became a blur. I vaguely remembered sailing back on the boat with Asher bleeding in Tristen's arms. We had gotten off at the dock and the weird cloaked girl met up with us, saying how the town was safe now and then leaving to go who knows where.

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