"Second Day" Ch. 1-16

Start from the beginning

The next morning we needed to go get breakfast on the hotel's restaurant, so i woke Scott up and we prepared to leave, James was already ready when i woke up yet Fritz didn't look awake at all.

Skipping through Fritz's urges to sleep 5 minutes more we went all with the girls on the next door to the hotel's restaurant, i let Scott do all the talking with the other spanish talking people, i could barely understand some words since we got like one weekly spanish class on this year.

I must admit, he heard really cool while saying all that stuff in another language with a very Hispanic accent, he usually doesn't speak like that!

While we were on a table eating, i heard on other table that people were telling rumours.

???: "Did you see that Isaac got a hickey?"

???: "Who did he got it from though, he is gay, and who else is gay on this trip?"

???: "I don't know but it's disgusting!"

[Scott POV]
I was hearing the rumours going around on the other table, i ignored it since it had no use to confront them there, i did notice Isaac was struggling to eat that day, he was probably too stressed and couldn't bring himself to eat more, i'm really worried about him, we are gonna walk a lot today, i sure hope he's gonna be fine.

Scott: "Hey, Isaac, do you want me to save something for you to eat later?"

Isaac: "N-no, it's good."

Scott: "You may say it's good, but you stuttered, you usually stutter when you lie so i will save something for you."

I grabbed a bread called "Concha" and packed it on a napkin, Isaac likes sweet things so he may like it.

Isaac: "Thank you really."

Scott: "You don't need to thank me, i only care for you.'

After the breakfast we went to visit a museum, i saw a man selling icecream in there so i wanted to ask Isaac if he wanted one.

Scott: "Hey, you want an ice cream?"

Isaac: "I... I'd like that, thank you."

Scott: "You're welcome."

I approached the man an proceeded to ask him for an ice cream.

Scott: "Buenas tardes, ¿me podria dar 2 helados por favor?"
(Good evening, could you give me 2 ice creams please?)"

???: "Claro, ¿cual sabor?"
(Sure, which flavour?"

Scott: "Flavour uhm..."

I turned my head to ask Isaac.

Scott: "Babe, which flavour?"

Isaac: "Uhm... Chocolate?"

Scott: "Sure."

I turned to the man again.

Scott: "2 Helados de chocolate, por favor."
(2 chocolate ice creams, please.)

???: "En camino."

The man seemed curious about our english talk.

???: "¿Son gringos? ¡Su acento no suena gringo!"
(You guys American? Your accent doesn't sound american!)

He said while serving our ice creams.

Scott: "Si, digo mi papá me enseño español de niño, pero el chico atras mio no habla español."
(Yeah, i mean my dad teached me spanish as a kid, but the boy behind me doesn't speak spanish.)

???: "Interesante..."

He finished serving the cones and gave them to us, i gave one to Isaac and i paid the ice creams

Scott: "¡Gracias!"
(Thank you!)

Isaac: "Uh... ¿Gracias?"

We went to the museum, i gotta say it was kinda boring, yet it seemed interesting for Isaac, glad he's happy for a while.

We went to visit some more important places, we were taking a picture when i heard Mathew say something.

Mathew: "So you gave Isaac the hickey, Scott?"

He was in front of us, he had his 2 friends he carries everywhere with him.

Isaac: "I-i..."

Scott: "Huh, and if i did what, you jealous?"

Jonah: "Ew, no."

Mathew: "Come on fellas, leave these weirdos alone."

They all left, those guys would probably say everyone that i did it, i was fine with that, i don't need to be embarrased of my actions.

We went all back to the hotel, in the way people asked me stuff.

???: "Scott, you gave Isaac the hickey?"

Scott: "Maybe."

???: "You are dating Isaac?"

Scott: "Maybe."

???: "You are gay?"

Scott: "Nope, bisexual."

Isaac looked proud of me, this rumour would spread like the hickey thing, but i didn't care, i had him by my side, i was happy.

//Author's Note: I'm not really sure why this chapter stayed for a bit on my drafts, i'n pretty sure i published it!//

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