Chapter 6

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I glanced at my phone to see if I got any texts from Tommy, but I didn't. That's weird. He usually texts or calls me in the morning before school, I ignored it and got dressed.

"Clay, I'm heading off to school!"

"No, I'll drive you later. Come have a doughnut!" I sighed, but not in a disappointed way. I walked into the kitchen to find George and Clay eating doughnuts. "I got your favorite!" George said, and I said thanks. "Phil's family invited us to his house." Clay said. "When?"

"Tonight." "Are you two coming?" I asked, "Well yeah, he invited all of us."

We talked for a while about things like that, and then I realized I still had school. "Clay, c'mon! I'm late!" I rushed.

"K." We got in the car and drove to school. When we got there, Clay walked in with me to the office. "What are you doing?" "Saving your perfect record."

I saw the secretary and recognized him as one of Clay's friends. "Eret! Whassup, man!" Eret looked up from his papers and saw clay.

While they were talking I heard the principal yelling at someone. I peeked into the window and saw Tommy and this other boy, it looked like they got into a fight. They were both injured pretty badly and Tommy's nose was bleeding.

My blood was boiling. How dare that bitch hurt my Toms. I ran into the office and over to Toms. "Are you okay?" I asked, frantic. "No, obviously not, boo." he smiled at me.

Clay slid into the doorframe seconds later. "Ranboo you can't-'' he cut off and smiled at the principal. "Heeeeey sappy" he said, and the principal smirked. "Don't call me that, dummy. And if these kids weren't here I'd call you much worse.

When no one was watching, the other boy hit Tommy right in the face "OK NOW YOUR GETTING IT YOU B." Tommy yelled "QUIT IT RIGHT NOW TOMMY AND JASON! JASON, LISTEN. THIS IS THE LAST TIME. YOU ARE EXPELLED!" Sapnap slammed his fist on the table. Tommys face went pale, then the color returned.

"Thank god." Tom whispered. "Well, If I'm already expelled, I can do this." Jason said. And he punched Tommy in the face, kicked Tom's chair over and Tommy hit his head on a sharp corner of the wall. I ran over to Tommy "TOMS! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!" His eyes closed and I could feel blood on the back of his head.

I looked at Tom, stood up, and pinned Jason against the wall (while holding him up) leaned in, and threw him across the room. Then I walked over to Jason and towered over him, then punched him.

I have muscles, and I've been doing sports for years, so it must have hurt. I felt no concern for Jason.

I heard Clay calling an ambulance and no one helped Jason up. His nose looked hella messed up. Sapnap was calling Tom's dad and his brothers.

******TIME SKIP****** (At the hospital)

I was waiting in the waiting room.I've been crying for a while now since they had to transfer Tommy to another hospital at least 2 hours away. Clay was right next to me comforting me. "Hey it's going to be okay Mark I promise." "B-but what if it's not he had to get transferred to another hospital and wont let anyone go into his room for a reason."

Suddenly Phil, Wilbur, and Techno ran in. "Is Tom okay?!!?!?" Phil said almost about to cry. "We don't know, all we know so far is that he had to get scans and that's it." Clay said. Wilbur sat down and started sniffling. Techno hugged Wilbur.

The doctor walked out and looked really nervous.

"Hello, I was the doctor foooor......" he looked at his clipboard. "Thomas Simons." he said and we all nodded.

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