Chapter 18

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Apo's POV

"But they're gonna find out for sure that we're not in a relationship, that we're just close friends," I tried to argue with P'Mile.

P'Mile had been trying to rope me in to his crazy idea of joining the No-Kiss Challenge that had been announced on social media a few days ago by the Sawatmaneekul Entertainment Company.

I get that P'Mile would be drawn in by the millions of bahts at stake but to pretend that we were boyfriends, to pretend that we were in a relationship, the pretense was going to do my  head in. There was absolutely no way that I was agreeing to his preposterous idea.

"Listen to me, bro," he said in a persuasive tone of voice. "How hard is it to pretend that we are boyfriends? During the interview, we will show the interviewer that we can't keep our hands off each other. You will keep on kissing me every now and then during the interview and I will be doing the same. How hard is it to do that?"

"Very hard," I wanted to say, as I averted my face from his so that he would not be able to see the expression on my face.

It was already hard enough for me to hide my true feelings for this guy who looked upon me as just a fun companion and nothing more.

If he ever held me lovingly in his arms during the interview, I would not be able to keep myself from giving my, so far, best kept secret away.

"No," I said firmly to him. "I won't do it. You will have to find someone else to do it with you."

"But you are the only one with whom I would feel comfortable enough to do physical stuff with!" he complained with a dark frown.

"No!" I said, more firmly this time, to drive home to him the fact that his plan was not to my liking at all.

He kept quiet for a long time.

The dark frown remained on his face as he went through his phone contacts, probably trying to see who would be a good substitute for me.

I watched as he stopped scrolling and tapped on a contact.

I heard the ringing on the other end. P'Mile had put his phone on speaker. Did that mean that he wanted me to hear his conversation with whoever he had called?

"P'Mile?" I heard someone take his call.

A smile quickly replaced the frown on P'Mile's face.

"Fluke!" P'Mile started to say.

I grabbed the phone from P'Mile and tapped on the red phone icon on the screen to end the call and then handed his phone back to him.

"I'll do it," I said.

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