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Shinichiro woke up on a rowdy household. A familiar place.


He got kicked on the face by a child he was longing to see. Confused, he sat back on the sofa and looked at the calendar. July 30, 1997. Manjiro is alive.

Shinichiro cried. He succeeded on going back the past. He run to the kitchen and there he saw his grandfather and their sister Emma.

But how the hell did he comeback the past? The last thing he remembered is he jumped off the bridge.

The bridge....

He suddenly remembered another thing. The figure of a drenched woman looking at his falling figure. He frantically run inside the house searching for you. Of course there's no l/n y/n here. You're someone he met on a different timeline.

"MANJIRO!!!" He called his brother.

Manjiro came immediately with the plastic plane model he was playing.

"Wanna go on a road trip?"

Shinichiro wants to find you even if it would change the future for the both of you. He was happy seeing his family alive. Still, he desires you.

The only thing he knew was you're from the same city. He took Manjiro with him and rode the bike around the whole neighborhood. They kept on driving until they went pass a High school. It was dismissal time and lot of students were walking out already. He stopped on a corner for a while and put the stand of the bike.

"Are you trying to hit up on high school girls?" Manjiro asked.

"I'm looking for someone." His eyes were serious enough that his brother wasn't able to joke around.


A young woman who looks familiar to him walked pass him. He can't be wrong. It's you. But you give off a different aura. The warm smile is not present on your face. Your eyes looks dead. You look very frail.

He grabbed your wrist and you were so scared a shriek escaped from your mouth.

"L/n y/n..."

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" You pulled your wrist from his grip.

A strong wind suddenly blew that almost caused your skirt to lift. Shinichiro's eyes were fast he caught a glimpse of a large contusion on your upper leg. He stared at your face. The paleness he noticed was because of the layers of concealer and foundation. You're hiding something beneath the makeup.

"Who did that to you?"

"It's none of your business..." you said in small voice. Your eyes are set on the ground.

A call card suddenly caught your sight. You took it and raised your head to see the face of the man in front of you.

For some reason, you felt warmth from him. You don't even know him but he feels nostalgic.

"Call me if you need my help." He turned his back on you and went back to Manjiro.

You kept the card inside your wallet and left. Unbeknown to you, they tailed you silently on your way home.

Sano Shinichiro.....
Why do i feel i know him?

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