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After you found out Shinichiro threw away your birth control pills, you were a bit disappointed. He even purposely delayed the day to go home just so you can't buy a new one.

It has been 2 weeks and you've already gotten over what he did. It still pisses you off tho. More likely, you don't have the time to sulk over what happened because the two of you are very busy with his motor shop.

The regular customers are back. Also the kids who always hangout here. They are happy that the store is open again.

Shinichiro doing the thing he loves is a new sight for you. A lot of people tends to flock over him. He is charismatic. Who would have thought that the half dead man you met was this sociable.

It was really a best idea that he reopened the shop. He could reattach himself with new people and old pals.

"Y/n?" He called for you as soon as he entered the backroom. You were already resting while he was closing the shop.

"Where are the kids?"

He walked toward the couch and sat beside you. "They went home already."

"Hmm..." you just hummed in response.

"Let's just grab some dinner outside. I'm tired today."

"Its okay, i'll could cook tonight." You insisted to which he would surely decline. He never lets you do chores alone. It's always the two of you.

Shinichiro leaned his head toward your shoulder. He really looks tired. "Wait for me here, i'll buy something from the convenience store." Before you could even stand, he stopped you immediately.

"NO! Stay here..." you were a bit startled when he suddenly raised his voice.

He saw your reaction how you flinched from his sudden change of behavior. "I'm sorry y/n... i did not mean to raise my voice on you..." He said in small voice and pulled you in a hug.

You gave him a pat on his head. "It's okay. I understand. How about we go buy together and eat here so that you can rest for a while before we drive home?"

"Yeah. That's better."


The two of you went home after eating and resting for a bit. It's already 8 in the evening when you arrived. You showered first while he was offering prayers on their Buddhist altar.

After your shower, you went to the patio facing the Japanese garden in their house, he always sits there and smoke.

"I'm done, Shin. Your turn."

"Remember that time you fainted in the shop after seeing the teru teru bozu? I've been wanting to ask you what made you scared of it. Would you tell me?"

"I want to. But not right now... I'll tell you when I'm ready."

He stood up and walked closer to you. His hand took yours and placed it on his cheek. A smile flashed on his face. " will wait then."

It was a failure that you accidentally showed your trauma to someone. This is something someone can use over you.

You don't know if it was good that Shinichiro was the one who saw it. Or nah? But one thing you're thankful now is that he was not that persistent to make you spill about your past.

Just by remembering your past makes you sick to the bones.

There are memories that should be shut forever.

Deep, deep inside your head...

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