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Wakasa escorted you to your client's house. Who could have thought it's a big house with dojo. You kept on admiring the place as you went pass the gate which was left unlocked and proceeded to the main door.

Without even knocking or chiming the doorbell, Wakasa barged in the house with you. He went straight the tatami room where the family's butsudan (Buddhist altar) is placed. There he was, your client. He was curled up on the floor. Darkened bags under his eyes, pale skin with visible signs of dehydration.

"This asshole." Wakasa cursed and helped him to sit up.

You had a water bottle with you so you walked closer, kneeled down and gave him a drink slowly.

"You sure you can handle him?"

"No worries. I'll do my best sir." You responded.

"Well then, please take care of him. Here's my number, call me if you need something. "

You are left alone now with Shinichiro. He did not even asked who you are, why are you in his place?

The first thing you did was find their bathroom. When you found it, you filled the tub with hot water.

"Can you walk?" You helped him to stand up.

He still had the energy to walk but he was staggering so you held on his arm for support. Upon arriving at the bathroom, you helped him to remove his clothes. He is tall and is towering you but you managed to pull out his shirt. He is lean and muscular. Such a waste, you thought to yourself. You were about to unbutton his jeans when he grabbed your wrist.

"I could do it alone." He said in a weak voice.

It was the first time you heard his voice. He sounded so vulnerable.

You backed off and he slowly pulled down his jeans, he was left only with his boxers. "What are you standing there?" His eyes stared at yours.

"I'll stay here until i see you okay." You gave him an assuring smile.

He pulled down his boxers next and turned the shower on. As the hot water cascaded down his exhausted body, a soft groan escaped from his mouth.

"Looks like you're okay. I'll be in the kitchen."

His eyes followed your leaving figure.

Several minutes passed and he finished his bath. The scent of miso soup has greeted him. He walked his way toward the kitchen with only a towel around his waist and saw you in the sink washing the dishes.

You turned your head toward him.

"Oh, you'll catch a cold if you stay like that." You dried your hands on the apron and approached him. "Shall i help you?"

"No." He turned his back and walked away leaving you in the kitchen.

You waited for him but he never went back the kitchen so you tried to find him. He was in the same tatami room where you first saw him.


He took a long drag of his cigarette while staring outside. " Waka was blabbing about something good will come to me. Is he talking about you?"

"I don't know if i am something good for you. But my sole purpose here is to give you the emotional fulfillment you need the most." You walked closer and closer to him and held his hand placing it on your chest. "I was only booked by your friend. But my will to help is always genuine."

Shinichiro suddenly pulled you in a hug and buried his face on the crook of your neck. You felt warm liquid dripping down. He is silently crying. Oh how painful it is to be left alone. Seeing everyone die infront of your own eyes. You've been there. And this time, you will be someone who will ease the pain of those in need.

How long has it been since i felt a warmth from someone?


A/n: things could escalate quickly on the next chapter😂. I don't know my brain is super random.

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