chapter 17

653 15 4

Your pov

She started to scream and sob

"We have to get it out!"

I said holding her head

"What is that?"

"It's the Mind flayer part of it at least"

I said looking her leg

"Keep her talking,keep her awake,okay?"

Jonathan then ran and i then looked at El

"El you are gonna be okay"

I said calming her down but she kept screaming in pain

"You'll be fine i promise"

Robin then said that it was fine and how a girl's bone was out of her knee

"Robin you're not helping"

Said steve

"Right i'm sorry"

Then Jonathan came back

"Okay all right,El?this is gonna hurt like hell,okay?"

She sobbed


"Need you to stay real still here you're gonna want to bite down on this,okay?"

I grabbed the stick and gave it to mike so he could put it in her mouth El whimpered

"It's gonna be okay El,i promise you"

"Do it"

I looked away i don't wanna see that

"Okay El look at me you don't have to look"

She looked at me she had tears in her eyes poor girl she then screamed and closed her eyes in pain she sobbed i pulled her hair back lightly like a comforting eay like my mom did when i was in pain or sick

There where screams and whimpers and sobs coming from El making me tear up El then told Jonathan to stop and she said she can do it herself she lifted herself up i held her back

She then used her powers to get that thing out i looked away not wanting to see i felt someone put their hand on my back i looked at the person and saw steve i then looked back at El

I heard El scream then the class broke behind us i then saw that she got the thing out she threw it away then i saw the thing crawl away i then saw someone stomp the thing it was hopper, Joyce and some homeless looking man


"The mind flayer,it built this monster in hawkins to stop El,to kill her and pave a way into our world"

"And it almost did,that was just one tiny piece of it"

"How big is this thing?"

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