chapter 15

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Your pov

I felt my heart start to race

"What the fuck!"

I screamed the creature then walked my way making me run away


I heard Nancy and Jonathan scream i ran as fast as i can i saw a room and went inside i quickly locked the door which was an idiotic idea bceause the creature deformed and got under the door

"Oh come on!"

I stepped back in fear and saw i form back into it's form i heard Nancy and Jonathan bang on the door


I heard them scream i kept backing up in fear then i felt the my back hit the wall making my heart race i saw the creature come closer now it was infront of my face i saw it open his mouth making me close my eyes accepting deafet but the nothing came i opened my eyes to see the creature just staring at me

"What do you want?"

The creature just stared at me suddenly the door went flying open the creature turned to door and i saw the kids the creature ran to them


I screamed but then the creature got lifted by El she swinged him around then she let him go then he tried to attack again but El just threw him out of the window i sighed in relief


I heard everyone scream

"I'm fine go cheek at the beast"

They then nodded and ran but Jonathan and nancy helped me up

"Thanks guys come on let's go"

We then followed the kids outside and we saw the creature go into the severs leaving only bones making me fell like throwing up

The next day

We were now in i think El's home i was talking with the kids

"Oh before i forget i need to go grab my axe"

"You have a axe in yout car?"

Asked lucas shocked

"Yeah you will never know what will hit you in Hawkins so i keep prepared"

I then went out and went to the back of my car i opened the trunk and inside i saw my axe i grabbed it and walked back inside

"Are you just gonna carry that around"

"Yeah obviously"

I then put the axe on the table i looked around because i was bored as hell i then heard the kids fighting at the except will he was with us

"Who's next?"

"There is no next unless you want to start calling random people's homes"

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