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Matt and I were assigned an assignment together as they saw the potential partners which both Matt and him saw it too a long time ago when Matt had first joined the BAU which had him far away from his wife and friends, Spencer was taken out of his thoughts when Matt who knew the person that he married pop out of no where and sat down beside him

You good Grim? Matt asked using his nickname that the team gave him since he was essentially always looking grim

I'm good Bullet and you? Spencer asked as he handed Matt a bottle of beer

Same, you hear about the team getting together again for a new case? Matt asked as Spencer just nodded before speaking

I was made aware of it by our buddy that sent us here. Spencer said as Matt knew that there was more to it

I feel like there's more to this than I know of. Matt said as Spencer once again just nodded then spoke

Our buddy that sent us here wants to tear apart the team and dismantle it. Spencer said as Matt could sense that his best friend was pissed off and their buddy would be feeling the wrath of Spencer considering they were experimented on and it gave them lots of powers and abilities that would hurt any human if used wrong

You planning something Spencer? Matt asked

Imma speak with the director. Spencer said as Matt knew the new director of the FBI who just so happened to be Spencer's cousin and was planning to make the BAU better and that involved the entire current team being apart of it

Need me to be there? Matt asked as Spencer nodded

Ya, if you can and I know Kristy is pregnant again with your child but it won't be necessary. Spencer said

I'll come with ya Spencer, Kristy isn't expecting me back anytime soon since this assignment is still taking a bit longer than usual. Matt said

I know, we gotta finish this assignment already, wanna go ahead and finish it since we know where the last person we need to find is? Spencer asked as Matt just nodded before they rushed out of the room then grabbed their weapons before disappearing into the night as their team knew where they were going and were in the command centre as they guided the duo with the safest option possible as they eliminated their final target as everyone was excited to go home especially Spencer

Once they arrived back at the compound, they said their goodbyes to their teammates before getting into Spencer's all black Mustang Shelby and Spencer drove them back to his place as Matt suggested that they wouldn't let anyone know that they were back until they spoke to the director about the new assistant director's position as luckily enough none of their friends knew where this safe house was since it was Spencer's cousin's safe house

When do you plan to meet with your cousin? Matt asked as they were currently watching CCTV footage of the BAU office where they saw Spencer's younger twin step-brothers talking with their team before they brought Emily out of the room as they also watched as Kyle handed her a letter then watched as Emily read the letter before tearing up

You okay Spencer? Matt asked once he saw how concerned his best friend was for Emily but he knew exactly why he was so concerned but he promised that he wouldn't say anything out loud

Ya, I'm good. Spencer said

Let's get some sleep and you just let me know when we are going to meet with your cousin. Matt said as Spencer nodded grateful that Matt didn't ask any other question but knew that he would know the answer already without Spencer answering it for him as they said their good nights to each before heading up to their rooms and let the darkness consume them both

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