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It's been awhile since everyone got together and worked on a case especially for Spencer and Matt who were currently on their own assignments as a new unsub came to terrorize the country as they all agreed to come back as Emily was currently waiting for everyone to come into the debriefing room as the first person to come through the door was Tara who smiled at Emily before engulfing her in a hug and noticed the ring on her finger

When did you get married? Tara asked as she held her hand and admired the ring on her finger

A while back. Emily answered with a smile on her face

Do we know who this lucky guy is? Tara asked just as JJ, Rossi, Matt and Penelope entered the room and sat at the round table as Penelope spoke up

What are we talking about? Penelope asked as Tara just held out Emily's ring finger as they all gasped and admired the ring

You'll find out soon enough. Emily said as she began to explain what they were there for as they began to start investigating as halfway through she received a phone call as she excused herself and answered the phone call

Unknown Caller Id

Hello, Emily Prentiss speaking?

Hey babe.


Not so loud babe, I'm still working.

Sorry, do you know when you'll be back?

Not so sure babe, I'll let you know

I love you baby

I love you too babe, gotta go.


Emily hung up the phone with a huge smile before heading back to the bullpen only to find that the team was eavesdropping on the conversation and tried to pretend that they didn't listen to the whole conversation as Emily just giggled to herself and continued on with the rest of her day trying to piece together who the newest unsub that they were dealing with was

The team decided to take a break since they've been working really hard but couldn't figure it out and wished that they had Spencer with them so that he could figure it out with his brains and they decided to go to the closest coffee shop as they told each other what they had been doing while they were away from work as they all found out that Tara had a girlfriend and celebrated not only Tara having a girlfriend but also Emily being married as they all made sure to get every detail about how Emily and her man got together as well as got engaged

Hey Emily? JJ asked as everyone went ahead of them to the office to continue working on the new case

Ya JJ? Emily asked

Have you've seen Spence or Matt? JJ asked

The last time I heard from them was when we all got reassigned around the Bureau, have you? Emily asked

No but I wish I had some way of communicating with them. JJ said sadly as Emily smiled sadly at her

I know, me too. So how are things with Will? Emily asked as that seemed to brighten JJ's mood a bit

They are going great, Will love's his job and the boys are all so grown up now and to think that they were just little children before. JJ said smiling as they entered the Bureau and got into the elevator before being greeted by the rest of the team

Let's continue on guys? Rossi asked as they all nodded before heading back into work as the rest of the day was just spent sitting around and looking for any clue that could help them in finding out who this new unsub as they did get some clues but not big enough clues that could point them in the right direction as having Spencer there would make things easier for them and make it obvious to the rest of the Bureau that this department needs to stay and be funded by them so that they could find criminals and protect their country while doing so as night quickly fell upon them as they all packed up their belongings and went their separate ways before letting the darkness consume them all as they laid in bed

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