Chapter 19 Dire Tombs

Start from the beginning


Oh I forgot about that one. Her eyes is no longer usable. The trap from last time that I saved Samantha from hit her right in the eye. A little stone or wood splinter is sticking out of the right one. That must have hurt. The others are surprised and Olivier tries to heal Samantha to no avail. They retreat back some and bandage the eye. The group turns to Brald.

"Why did you not warn us about traps beforehand. You were here before or was that a lie."

"I was here and there were no traps last time. There are also no monsters unlike last time. The whole dungeon is different."

"So we are stumbling in the dark. Great."

"Why are you the leader again. You did nothing to safe her."

"Shut up brat. I did not know about traps. None of you did something either and you have had same chance to help her. Now let us keep going and watch out for traps."

"Please keep close to me mis Samantha I will look out for your safety." Here we go again. The group went on until a searing heat came upon them. Brald was the first to realize it and commanded Elijah to create a stone shield with all his might. He did so but the Olivier was not perceptive enough. He was in the middle of the geyser that erupted with hot gas. He had no chance. The hair burned and the flesh melted under the extreme heat. Luckily the others are more or less safe. The protective stone wall crumbled and flung everyone backwards but they survived with small wounds and bruises.

Standing up cursing at each other. It was manly Lucas that cursed the others for their incompetence. He was met with distain and even more hatred then I expected. Well I wonder what will happen if he betrays them again but he still has a part to play so I can't let him die. And I want his adventurer licence to be revoked so the others with Elijah as an exception need to survive as well.

They went on until the cave quaked. The earth worm is here. They fought similar to the original timeline. Lucas almost burning the others. Brald looses his hand. And Elijah was even more exhausted. So far everything is going as planned.

They finally made it to the door. Reginald tried to open it with his earth magic but failed. Last time Jasmine helped but she wasn't here. Kriol used his own magic to help him open it but still they had a hard time. Wind is just perfect to accelerate something. They went inside and stood more or less before me. Not seeing anything but the illusion mist they were cautious.

Since there is no wind mage to clear the mist I motioned to Ast to show himself when they are further inside the cave. He knows what to do or at least I hope so. They kept close to each other probably realizing that something is wrong. When they were about fifty meters inside the cave they stopped. Not because it did not go further but because Ast released some pressure. He went forward showing himself.

"E-e-Elderwood guardian"

"N-n-no that is not possible."

Lucas immediately wanted to run towards the entrance to escape. Shouting his normal remarque that he is not scared but is just surviving since he is a Wykes those commoners should die for him and so on. I had to stifle a laugh since he is just a idiotic child with a inferiority complex and no power what so ever of his own.

The others soon followed but Lucas had other plans. He fired back at the beast. Or so it seemed until Brald was hit. Already hurt from loosing his hand and now hit by Lucas's spell he stumbled to the ground. Kriol and Reginald helped him up and dragged him more than anything else towards the exit. Elijah being the good boy that he is tried to help by using his magic to hold the monster back. Lucas shot a second spell towards the trio and a third towards Elijah but was struck by a Vine full of thrones leaving him limping and letting his staff fall to the ground but he made it out of the cave. The guardian closed the place with his vines right behind Lucas. The five cursed loud and I could understand why. For A and even AA-rankers it is a hard fight and they are hurt. Ast attacked. He could kill them all but decided to keep them alive for now. Samantha was the only one that was not targeted by Lucas and used her spells to her best. She failed mostly since the fear did not let her think straight. Kriol sits up and so did Reginald but Brald stayed down. Elijah used his staff as a cane and made it as well. They used everything and Elijah even used his Vritra magic due to true desperation. That caused Ast to only concentrate on him while the others dragged themselves and Brald to safety. Samantha wanted to help seemingly calming down after the incident but was dragged along.

The rest of the story went more or less the same. They made it out of the dungeon and informed Kaspian about the occurrence while I send a video artifact to Kaspian that documented the whole thing which caused the immediate nullification of Lucas's adventurer registration. His father thought that the adventurers could be bought of with money and he was right. They accepted since they needed it but he did not know about me. I send this video to Priscilla and let her decide what to do with the Wykes. I also told them that I Bairon had no fault here and she should look that he did not get punished but that Lucas and the current head of the Wykes were at fault.

The next day the Wykes were called to the royal castle and demoted in rank. Lucas was declared unfit for the post of a noble and had no chance but giving up the seat of the future successor. The current head had to abdicate his position and Bairon was declared the new head of the Wykes. They were also informed that if something would to happen to Bairon the others would not get back their position.

With that the kingdom of Sapin got a new strong head that respected other races instead of a racist peace of sh*t. Ex-head of Wykes tried to go after the adventurer guild but was stopped by a royal decree that the adventurer guild did not inform the queen about this occurrence.

Bairon suspected me or my family of doing it. I admitted to it since Ikeep tabs on all dangerous people and told him that Elijah was a spy from theother continent. I told him that he should still in role Lucas in Xyrus sincehe could become a decent mage and learn some humility there. 

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