He goes back to the table and sits down, watching as the other inquisitors get up with some more questions, but they too began to complain about the throbbing pain, "Hey, if you guys want some treatment for that headache, let me know," he holds up a bag with a big red plus, "I'm a Corpsman, I can treat you all."

Irene watched a few inquisitors try and inch their way over, causing the man to stop, and go over. Reaching into his bag, he gets out a bottle with some sort of nozzle at the end. "Here," he begins, getting a small, disposable paper cup and filling it up. He holds it to the mouth of an inquisitor, "drink it, it'll help with the pain." The inquisitor in question looked suspicious, but he began to drink it, wondering what was to lose at that point.

Irene meanwhile, was running a million thoughts and questions through her head.

Who do these people think they are? That they can just treat an inquisitor like they did earlier, and then try and make amends through medicine like that? The council- The inquisitor let out a noise of satisfaction, and let out a short chuckle, "Hey, I feel much better!" The 'Corpsman' chuckled, before going over to the other inquisitors and treating them.

Irene watched each of them become much better, and not complain about it. Meanwhile, the girl 'Marine' seemed to have finished eating her little Sea Terror pasta - she thinks, it was pasta, there was long strands of angel hair spaghetti and tomato sauce - and began to help her. She got on her knee and held up the little cup.

"So where're you folks from?" she questioned, letting Irene slowly take down the medicine.

Gulping it, she responds, "The Iberian Empire, a nation that used to rule over this city."

"Iberia huh? Sounds Spanish..." at the mention, Irene now felt more questions run in. Now she was more interested than ever about the origins and the home of these people, considering that this Marine alone seemed to find the term of her home country familiar to whatever 'Spanish' is. "Well, now this city is going to fall under us."

Irene almost felt herself turn to the Marine in deep confusion and worry, "What...? What do you mean?!" Those questions leaked out of her, hoping that she was going to get a response.

Only to receive none at all.

The Marine hummed, before helping sit her and her team up against a little planter. The 2 Marines set them up so they were facing the coastal side of the city. Right at the hideous forms of Nethersea and Seaborne that was lining the beach area.

Irene winced, seeing the very creatures and growth that brought her nation to its knees.

"Hey..." an inquisitor began, leaning towards the radio, "What are they saying on this?" One of the Marines went to the radio and turned it on.

"Viper, Thunder," came followed by the chirp of the radio, sometime after. The sound of the air beginning to tear itself apart began to roar throughout the coastline around Sal Viento. Something that brought great wide smiles to their faces. "Oh HELL yeah!" The male counterpart yelled, cheering while his more female compatriot was jittering a little in excitement.

The roar of the air was bringing fear to the inquisitors, and Irene had to let out what was on their minds, "What's that noise?!" She yelled out, causing one of them to point off to the distance.

There it was, 2 figures soaring towards the growth and amalgamation of Nethersea and Sea Terror. They had wings it looked like, and it looks like they had some sort of pods at the bottom.

The 2 aircraft were flying at a decently good height. Low enough to successfully carry out the mission they were given today. It gave Irene and her fellow inquisitors a lovely view of the 2 vehicles. The pair of Marines began to cheer when hey approached, the inquisitors more confused on the merriness of the occasion.

Arknights: Starsfall ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon