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Quick background so you can sorta understand it-

Rose and V escaped from a lab, V was made in the lab while rose had a life before it. They were experiments in the lab, for years.


-Age- 26

-Pronouns- They/them

-Likes-cooking, music, guitar, ✨ fictional men✨, streaming, reading, they also like making/sewing dresses suits and just normal outfits, video games.
-Dislikes-being in water (cause they are an enderman), the cold or just being cold in general, being away from family or friends too long.

-Hybrid features- enderman, elytraian, elf, Shadow knight (like MC diaries by Aphmau), others unknown.

-Physical appearance- grey eyes sometimes purpleish, white hair, glasses, a pink braid in their hair along with purple streaks, flower in their hair for Diego and Juan.

-Extra- they like these following streamers Ranboo, Tommy, wilbur, they also stream themselves. Rose doesn't have very good memories before the lab, shit ton of sweaters, two brothers- Juan and Diego, straight, married to a man (he will be introduced later)



-Pronouns- she/her.

-Likes- the color black, fish, heavy metal music, As above so below, wings of fire, Metallica, video games.
-Dislikes- k-pop, veggies (who doesn't), color brown, the shadow. (Dun dun dunn), being called possum.

-Hybrid features- cat, shadow, possum, raccoon (imagine being a raccoon), other things are unknown.

-Physical appearance- blue hair, scars galore, 4'9, red eyes, short hair .

-Extra-  feels uncomfortable when she's around roses brothers, steals the others sweaters/jackets, is a gremlin, likes shiny stuff, steals stuffed animals, straight, no love interests.



-Pronouns- he/him

-Likes- music, coding, being emo, black, being clingy to his siblings for no reason, stealing sweaters/jackets (from rose), drained colors/darker colors (idk what they are called), k-pop, gardening, video games.
-Dislikes- being away from one of his siblings for too long, country music.

-Hybrid features- none/fully human (for now)

-Physical appearance- black hair, brown eyes, a lighter streak in hair, flower in his hair for rose and Juan.

-Extra- siblings, Juan and rose, clingy for no reason-, steals sweaters from rose and sometimes juan but they don't need to know (they do know and they don't care) bi, crush.



-Pronouns- he/him

-Likes- men. Music, is also clingy but not as much as Diego, pastel and dark colors, k-pop, writing, video games.
-Dislikes- nursery rhymes. Being alone for too long, vegetables.

-Hybrid features- none/fully human (for now)

-Physical appearance- blond hair, brown eyes, flower in his hair matching Diegos and Roses.

-Extra- steals sweaters from rose, siblings, rose and diego, gay, theres possible love interest 🫢. (To be revealed later)

That's all the intros for now!

There will be more characters introduced later as the story progresses!

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