Optimus was finishing off the rest of his attackers before noticing Moonracer from a distance crouching on the floor, hugging Clutch tightly. He quickly rushed towards her and Clutch.

Optimus:  Moonracer. *Picks her up* Are you two alright?

Still frightened by what happened and the fact that she almost died if it wasn't for Y/N, Moonracer gained her composure while still carrying Clutch.

Moonracer: Y-yeah. Just banged up but we'll live.

Clutch: *Happy beeping*

Y/N joined the group but noticed how beaten up both Clutch and Moonracer were. Prime on the other hand took notice of Y/N's work. A massive trail of bodies layed where Y/N was.

Optimus: Impressive work Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks, Prime.

Hound kept blasting a group of undead before noticing a blue glow in the distance. He turned to see what it was and noticed a floating object above a formation of crystals but guarded by undead Cybertronians.

Hound: *Surprised* Prime! The Allspark.

Y/N: Go on ahead, I'll keep these two safe.

Optimus nodded and headed back to battle, he transformed into his vehicle form and rammed into some undead Cybertronians. Y/N proceeded to relocated both Clutch and Moonracer to a better position, somewhere where he could tend to their wounds after the battle was over. While running he spotted a wing that belonged to Clutch. He picked it up and covered the two injured bots.

Many undead bots made their way towards Prowl, Hound, and Jetfire. Hound resorted to punching an undead bot that got extremely close.

Hound: *Punches Bot* What are these things?

Jetfire charged at two undead bots with his energy blade and sliced them up.

Jetfire: The Sparkless.

Jetfire unleashed a barrage of missiles from his back that decimated a group of Sparkless bots. Prowl aimed his blaster and rushed at a group of Sparkless. With precised shots, Prowl took them down with ease.

Prowl: I'd heard rumors about the bots that have died trying to find the Allspark.

A Sparkless Seeker was about to grab Prowl but he managed to smack him in the faceplate and end him with a blaster shot to the helm. In the distance he saw more Sparkless bots making their way towards them.

Prowl: They are looking for sparks so they can come back to life.

Y/N heard everything that the team was discussing, he was equally busy protecting both Clutch and Moonracer from incoming attacks. He had his blaster out and rained down fire without stopping.

Y/N: These scrap heaps are really starting to boil my oil. *Turns towards Moonracer* Moonracer, think you can use Clutch as a blaster? Just aim him at the Sparkless, he'll know what to do.

Moonracer was confused but she did what Y/N suggested. She aimed Clutch while he beeped furiously at the enemy, Clutch started shooting at any Sparkless that came into view. Moonracer simply aimed him at the enemy while Clutch fired his turret.

Moonracer: We need to fall back, there's too many of them!!

Optimus who was still in his truck form kept ramming the Sparkless bots. He heard what Moonracer said but he knew if they retreated then they would miss their chance to capture the Allspark.

Optimus: Negative. Focus on the Allspark! We only have one shot at this so we must hurry!

Optimus spotted a makeshift ramp made out of crystals. He drove with full throttle and rammed some Sparkless that were in his way. Mid-air, a Sparkless bot grabbed hold of Optimus but was quickly shot in the helm by Prowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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