Time skip

Y/N didn't get much rest due to the previous night with Chromia. Currently, he was walking alongside Chromia who was hugging his right arm tightly with a smile. Their destination the Ark's bridge to check on Clutch. Y/N turned his helm towards Chromia, he smiled as to how happy Chromia looked.

Y/N: You look extremely cheerful today Mia.

Chromia: Why wouldn't I be. After last night ~*wink*.

Y/N: *blush* D-don't say it out loud.

Chromia giggled at Y/N's response.

Chromia: What do you think is in store today?

Y/N: I'm not sure. Hopefully we can get started on getting the space bridge fix.

Chromia: Hopefully.

As Y/N and Chromia kept walking down the arks halls the couple stumbled upon Moonracer who was walking with her blaster. Chromia greeted her long time friend.

Chromia: Hello Moonracer. How are you?

Y/N: Hello Moonracer.

Moonracer: Hi you two. Where are you two headed?

Chromia: Y/N is headed to the bridge, I'm just tagging along. What about you?

Moonracer: I'm gonna go to the shooting range, want to come?

Chromia though for a moment then turned around to see Y/N. He simply smiled at her, Chromia turned towards Moonracer.

Chromia: Sure, just let me get my rifle.

Moonracer: Okay, I'll meet you there.

Moonracer left, leaving only Y/N and Chromia.

Y/N: I'll inform you on what Prime tells me, I'll see you later sweetspark.

Chromia smiled and pulled Y/N in for a kiss. After they separated she spoke.

Chromia: I'll see you later love~.

With that, Chromia left.

Y/N made his way to the bridge, when he entered he saw that only Prime, Elita, Hound, and Wheelkjack were present. Clutch saw him and hovered quickly towards him, beeping happily.

Y/N:*chuckles* I'm glad to see you too buddy. You better had behaved well.

Clutch simply beeped happily before retracting into y/N's shoulder. Y/N approached The rest of the group but he quickly noticed they all had a sad look.

Y/N: Everything O.K Prime? You all seem down in the dumps. We got a bridge to fix, let's get to work.

Optimus: *sighs* I'm glad you are ready to complete the mission Y/N, but I have terrible news.

Y/N: W-what is it?

Optimus paused for a bit before proceeding. The other Autobots simply looked at the floor, Y/N noticed their sadness.

Optimus: Ultra Magnus is dead...

Y/N was shocked by this revelation.


Optimus: Yes. The Alpha Trion protocols have been activated.

Y/N: With all due respect Prime but what does that have to do with Magnus?

Optimus: With the activation of the Alpha Trion protocols, it signifies that Ultra Magnus has perished.

Y/N removed his visor, his optics started flickering between red and blue before calming down and being back to blue. He stared at Optimus and asked him an important question.

War for Cybertron (Male reader insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя