Bendy took one that's was lime green, with long sleeves that had cuffs at the end. It had five buttons one that was unbuttoned near the neck. When he tried it on, it was cozy but it was a bit to big on him and he nearly tripped on the sleeves.

"Uh, here try this one." (Y/N) handed him another jacket, that had the same structure but was a bit smaller and had a stripped pattern on it. He put it one. It was the right size of jacket but the quality of it wasn't the greatest, it was making him very itchy.

"I don't think this one will work." Bendy told her, itching at his now irritated skin.

 (Y/N) bit her lower lip. "Umm... just hold on a second." She continued rummaging through the closet. She grumbled to herself as she tried to find something. "Arg! Nothing! I'm sorry Bendy, I was sure I had something that could work for you." (Y/N) apologized.

"Its fine." Bendy told her. "I can just use my jacket."

 (Y/N) rubbed the underside of her chin as she thought. "How about a scarf with it? Well a better one." She reached up for a basket on the high shelf and pulled it down. There was a huge pile of scarfs in it, a bunch of them in different patterns and colors. Bendy rummaged through it and found one that looked a lot like his scarf. He wrapped it around his nonexistent-neck, it was perfect. It wasn't too long where he had to worry of tripping on it. It had the right cloth where it didn't irritate his skin. "This one will do." Bendy said.

"Alright." (Y/N) nodded. "Do you need a hat, gloves?"

"I guess I can go for better gloves." Bendy said, even though he was made with gloves already, they didn't do it's job very well.

 (Y/N) pulled out a smaller bucket that had a few pair of gloves. Bendy chose the white pair she had to match him better. "I think this is good, thanks."

"Great, I'll go get change, and you can wait downstairs." (Y/N) told him as she headed to her room.

 Bendy did what she said and headed downstairs. He walked over to the couch and grabbed his jacket and put it on. It was pretty beat up over the years. One sleeve was sewed on, which he did himself, there was small patches that were also sewed on. One of the jacket's button were missing and the hood was too torn to use. He put on his beanie and his white gloves. With his scarf already on, he was ready to go.

 After a few more minutes (Y/N) came down the stairs also ready to go. She helped Bendy button up his jacket (with the only two buttons it had). She grabbed her purse and gently took Bendy's hand. "Ready to head out?" (Y/N) asked.

 Bendy nodded. "Ya, lets go."


 (Y/N) was right about the storm calming down, it was hard to even see the small snowflakes coming down. There was still snow on the ground, but not much on the sidewalk, there must've been shovelers. Bendy thought as he still held hands with (Y/N) as they walked. They've been walking for a few minutes, passing by other houses and reaching into town, where there were a few people out. Bendy stepped closer to (Y/N), and she must've noticed the people too.

"I didn't think about giving you a disguise." (Y/N) whispered to him as they got closer.

"I-It's fine." Bendy said. "I've been through many towns with just something like this and I haven't been noticed before."

 (Y/N) had the look of doubt on her face, but she didn't argue. They tried not to make eye contact with anyone as they walked by. Bendy couldn't help but glance at some of the store windows as they passed. A lot of them were full of furniture or decorations, especially Christmas decorations. The green and red lights flickering on and off in union, all the stuffed animals had Christmas hats or jackets on. There were ornaments and Christmas lights on some of the trees outside of some of the stores. Bendy then caught an amazing scent of something, he couldn't tell what it was, but it smelled of something sweet, and with something of chocolate.

 They finally reached their destination and Bendy looked at the sign and it read 'Happy Home of Art.' (Made it up, lol). (Y/N) opened the door and there was a small jingle when they entered. It was pretty small store. It had shelves full of sketchbooks, pencils, ink pens, etc.

"Hay, Mrs. Becky." (Y/N) greeted to a lady who looked like she was in her 60's sitting at the front counter near the window, she smiled at them.

"Oh, (Y/N). How's my favorite costumer?" She asked, in a sweet voice.

"I'm doing great." (Y/N) said, smiling back. "I just need to get more paint."

"Ok, just don't hesitate to get anything else you need." Mrs. Becky said. She then seemed to finally notice Bendy behind (Y/N). "Who's this?"

"This is Bendy." (Y/N) told her. Bendy shyly waved at her.

"Well then, welcome to my little store, Bendy." Mrs. Becky said, smiling warmly at him.

 (Y/N) walked to one side of the store with the pens and pencils. She walked past them into the back where the paint supplies were. There were canvases in all sizes, different kind of paint brushes, and different brands of paint. (Y/N) checked through all the colors and grabbed the white paint she was looking for. She brought it back with her to the front desk.

"Is that all dear?" Mrs. Becky asked.

"Yep." (Y/N) told her, handing her the amount of money she needed to pay.

 Bendy mean while was exploring the store a bit more. He looked at all the sketchbooks, many of them had different kind of covers. Some were a bit smaller then others and some had more papers then others, it would be hard to choose which one would be his favorite.

"Thank  you, Mrs. Becky." Bendy heard (Y/N) thank the sweet, old lady.

"Anytime." Mrs. Becky told her.

"So you own the store?" Bendy suddenly asked.

"Why yes." Mrs. Becky answered. "It was owned by my grandmother, then my mother, now me."

"Is it hard to own a store?" Bendy asked, going up to lean up against the front desk.

"It can be sometimes, yes." Mrs. Becky said. "But that doesn't stop me. This place has been up and running for generations, with many stories to tell."

"Stories?" Bendy asked, like a child getting a bed time story before bed. His tail wagging a bit.

 Mrs Becky chuckled a bit at his eagerness. "Hmm, where do I start?" She said, rubbing the underside of her chin as she leaned in the back of her chair.

 (Y/N) just chuckled. "I guess there's time for a few story's."

 Finally this chapter is done! I made it a bit longer for you guys since y'all had to wait for so long. I'll try to work hard on the next chapter, but school is being annoying. But hay at least its almost Christmas break so I'll have more time to write more. Lets just hope my lazy butt doesn't keep me from doing that.

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