Chris X Reader

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Y/n is gender neutral - they/them pronouns used

Summary: A pack of lions take quite the liking to Y/n, making Chris jealous

Relationship: Dating 


Y/n and Chris decided to go on a creature adventure on their own! Finally a break without Martin's cheesy jokes. Although, Y/n secretly loved his puns, but they would never admit that to Chris.
Y/n was really excited about this creature adventure for a few reasons. Yes because they get to spend some time with their boyfriend, yes because it involved lions and lions are super cool in general. But also because the adventure wasn't work for once! Not that they mind the work, but its also nice to just sit back and admire the animals they come across, and not have to try and figure out which way the pack went, only to find out thirty miles later that they had indeed been walking in the exact opposite direction. Yes that has happened. Yes they are still salty about it.

Chris and Y/n were sitting in the back of the open jeep, Y/n's head leaning down on Chris' shoulder as their hands laced with his. 
"Look at all the little cubs!" Y/n whisper shouted. 
Chris chuckled, watching as the cubs chased each other around, almost like they were playing a game of tag. Another cub swatted at its fathers tail, making him look back at his kin and give a low growl. 
"Rude." Y/n commented. 
"He's just scolding it. Like a parent." Chris laughed. 
Y/n smiled at him. "Still rude. I mean, I just saw him eating a leopard's carcass not even five minutes ago. Imagine how bad his breath smells now!" 
Chris leaned into Y/n as he laughed. "Can't argue with that." 

Y/n leaned their head down in Chris' lap, looking up at him with a smile. "Thanks for letting me tag along with you." They said.
Chris smiled back. "Of course, I mean, you are my partner after all." 
"Awww you mean it?" Y/n said with a grin.
Chris simply rolled his eyes. "I'd certainly hope so, or else it would be kind of embarrassing that you are literally laying on me, and holding my hand as you play with my fingers. Not to mention we literally share the same bed, and kiss. Oh and!-"
"Okay okay! I get it!!" Y/n laughed.

Y/n closed their eyes in bliss, listening to the low rumbles of the lions talking to each other and the feeling of Chris' rough calloused hand against their skin. 
But then they heard a soft little mewl. 
Y/n opened their eyes, looking down at the ground and seeing one of the cubs had wandered up to the car. 
"Aww well hi there cutie!" Y/n cooed as the sat up and hopped down from the car, crouching down and holding their hand out for the cub to sniff. 

"Y/n I love creatures and all, but I don't think messing with a lions cub is the best idea..." Chris raised an eyebrow as he watched the little cub nuzzle its head against Y/n's palm. 
Y/n scratched behind the little kits ear with a happy smile and giggle. Then they picked it up and began walking towards the pack of lions. 

"Whoa whoa! Is this really a good idea?" Chris shot up onto his feet, concern in his eyes. "Y/n, you don't have your power suit on!" He argued, trying to get his partner to sit back down. "It will wander back to its pride, I assure you." 
But Chris wasn't convincing them. Y/n simply smiled at their partner and continued to walk down towards the big cats, the little cub snuggling further into their arms with a satisfied purr. 
Chris could feel his entire body tensing up in suspense. He didn't have his power suit on him either, but if anything went wrong he was ready to jump in.

Y/n stopped near the pride, about twenty feet back, and sat the cub down on the ground. 
"Go on," Y/n urged. "Go back to your family!" 
But instead of running back to its family, the little cub rubbed itself against Y/n, purring and begging for attention. 
"No no buddy, you gotta go back to your family." Y/n gently faced the cub away and towards the pack, only for it to turn back around and paw at their leg. 
And before Y/n could protest any more, the other cubs came running up to them, meowing and begging to get the same attention the first one was getting. 
"Aww I can't just deny you! You're all to cute!" They coed out, sitting back down on the dirt, letting the cubs crawl all over their lap as they petted them and scratched behind their ears. 

At first Chris thought it was quite cute. A little concerning, considering there was six adult lions sitting not too far off. But cute none of the less. 
But then the nicknames came... 
Cutie, sweetie, sweetheart, baby, pretty, and so so many more were falling from Y/n's lips as they played with the little cubs. 
Now this really shouldn't have bothered Chris like it did. Its baby lions, who wouldn't find them cute? Probably Zach. But this isn't about him!
But, those were all things Y/n called Chris. And he loved it when they did.
He loved being considered cute and pretty. He loved being their baby and their baby only. 

"My sweet babies, I don't wanna leave any of you behind!" 
And that was the last straw.
Chris walked over to Y/n, a pout on his lips and arms crossed. 
Y/n was busy giving all their attention to the cubs and didn't even notice until Chris cleared his throat. They turned their head to see the very pouty Chris, quivering lip and all. 
"Aren't they just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?" They grinned. That almost made him break and take everything back. But Chris held his ground. 
"We should head back to the Tortuga." He mumbled. 
"Huh? Why? I thought we were going to get some lunch after this..?" Y/n asked confused. 
Chris looked down at the ground, cheeks tinted pink. And then it hit Y/n. 
A sly smirk twisted up on their face as they sat the cubs down and got back up, hands on hips. 
"Chris Kratt are you jealous?"
Chris' eyes widened as he stuttered, looking for an excuse. "N-no! Of course not! I just think its really hot outside!" 
"You're wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts." Y/n raised their eyebrow, a smirk still on their lips. 

Chris looked away. Okay yeah he definitely over reacted. 
"Aw come on now! Don't get all shy on me!" Y/n wrapped their arms around Chris' waist,looking up at him with nothing but adoring eyes. And a teasing smile... "You know you're my favorite." 
Chris snorted, a small smile making its way back on his lips. 
"Even if you are a big baby." Y/n said with a toothy grin. 
"Okay," Chris lightly shoved them away. "Moment ruined." 
"But your my babyyyy!" Y/n wrapped their arms back around Chris, rubbing their face on his back, causing him to laugh. 
"Alright I get it! I'm sorry for getting jealous." Chris smiled down at his partner, getting a genuine smile in return. 
"its fine," The cubs had scurried off back to their pride, getting licked all over by their mothers. Y/n gave Chris a quick but sweet kiss, pulling back with a smile. "Now are we going to get that lunch you promised me or what?" 

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