💚Chris X reader

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Y/n is gender neutral, they/them is used!

Summary: Chris is sick and keeps trying to leave bed to go creature adventuring, but Y/n keeps making sure he doesn't.

This is a fluffy oneshot! There is mentions of being sick so if that upsets you then please skip this <3

Relationship: dating :)

"Chris Kratt you stay right where you are!" Y/n shouted, making Chris freeze in bed.
"C'mon Y/n...!" Chris whined as Y/n came over and tucked him back into the warm bedding. "Martin needs me to help him!"
"And I've told you already," Y/n booped Chris on the nose. "Koki is out helping him."
"No, Chris." Y/n cut him off. "Besides, all he is doing is tagging some bunnies. It's not like he is sticking his head down the throat of a lion." Y/n brushed their hand through Chris' hair with a smile. "You aren't missing much."

Chris slumped back in the mattress, grumbling to himself as he watched his partner leave the room.
He loved them with all his heart.
But he also loved creature adventuring.
And a little flu bug wasn't going to stop him from doing what he loves!

Chris waited a few minutes, listening to the hum of Y/n down the hall. They said they were going to make him some soup. In other words, they were distracted.
A perfect time for him to make his escape!

Chris kicked back the blankets and slipped his boots back on.
He loudly coughed, making his eyes widen and his body stiffen as he listened to the sound of
Y/n's humming quiet, listening for him.
Chris froze, not darning to make another movement in fear of Y/n hearing. 
Once the humming continued Chris let out a breath of relief and continued to sneak towards the door. 
He didn't even get to leave the totuga before he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. 

Chris slowly turned around to see Y/n glaring at him, wooden spoon in hand as they rested them on their hips, tapping their foot in annoyance. 
"And where do you think you are going, Christopher?" 
"Bed. Now." Y/n pointed back down the hall. 

Chris sulked back down the hall, kicked his shoes off, and settled back down in bed. 
Not much longer Y/n came back in the room with a tray that held a bowl of tomato soup, some water, and a few crackers. 
Y/n settled the tray on top of Chris' lap and then sat down next to him, being careful not to shake the bed and make the hot food spill onto their boyfriends lap. 
Chris stirred his soup with a pout, making Y/n snicker.
"What's the matter? I thought you liked tomato. Maybe I should just dump this out since you clearly are disgusted by it." They lightly dragged the bowl away. 
"Don't you dare," Chris took the bowl back. He sighed. "I just hate being sick..."
"I know you do," Y/n said, lifting a cracker up to Chris' lips with a smile. "But the sooner you get better, the sooner you can get back out there and creature adventure til your hearts content!"

Chris took the cracker and began munching on it, taking small sips of soup and water. 
Y/n pressed their hand against his forehead, smiling down at him.
"And if you quit trying to escape me," They lightly poked Chris in the stomach, causing him to laugh with a light blush. "You might be able to go out tomorrow!" 
Chris grinned, suddenly feeling much more motivated as he scarfed down his food. 
Y/n giggled. "But... That also means taking some more medicine. Just to be really sure."

Chris' eyes widened as the bitter taste was coming back to him.
Maybe he'd have to make one more escape attempt...

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