Chris X Reader (request)

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This was requested by DieDefoe
thank you for the request! I hope you like it!

Y/n is gender neutral - they/them pronouns used

Summary: Chris is in his t-devil suit, Y/n and Martin are on babysitting duty
Relationship: Crushing 

How did this all happen again? Aviva said she fixed the suit!
What happened you may be wondering? Well you see Martin, Chris and Y/n decided it would be fun to go on a walk through the forest together. You know, have some time to hangout with each other and relax after a long week of helping animals and stopping villains from capturing innocent creatures. 
Martin and Chris decided it would be a great idea to have a race in their creature power suits. 

"Martin, you can't use a cheetah power disc! That's so cheating!" Y/n shouted at the boy, who pouted at them. "But Y/nnnn!" Martin dragged out. 
"They're right bro," Chris added, stretching his limbs as he prepared for the race. "That wouldn't be fair."
Martin groaned in response. "Fine! I guess I'll go with..." He dug around for a different power disc. "A tasmanian devil?" 
"Oh cool! I was gonna pick that one too!" Chris said as he grabbed his own disc. "Ready?.. What?" Chris said confused as he looked back and fourth between the concerned Y/n and Martin. 
"Um I'm not sure if this is a great idea." Y/n said. 
"Yeah dude, remember what happened the first time you used a t-devil disc?" Martin added.

Chris waved the two off with a smile. "Pfft it'll be fine! Besides, Aviva said she fixed my suit!" 
"I don't know,Chris..." Y/n mumbled. 
"It's alright, Y/n. Really." Chris assured with a soft smile that made a faint blush make its way to Y/n's cheeks. 
"Alright bro, it's your decision." Martin shrugged.

The two boys stood next to each other, crouching down to get as good of a start as they could. Chris put in his power disc, and for a moment everything was fine.
Then when Martin was about to put his in, Chris' suit started malfunctioning. 
Chris shook his head with a playful growl and grin, looking around for any fellow t-devils, or perhaps even some scraps of meat. 
"Oh boy, here we go again..." Martin said. "Hopefully he isn't as much as a handful like the first time."
"Was he really that bad?" Y/n turned to ask Martin. Y/n wasn't with Martin and Chris when the first t-devil suit malfunction happened. Instead they were in the Tortuga, making more tags for the actual t-devils.
"Yeah he was pretty all over the place." Martin said while scratching the back of his head. "But as long as we get him back to the Tortuga we should be fine- where did he go?" Martin said as he looked around. 

Y/n looked around with Martin, not seeing Chris. How did he run off so quickly?! You two stopped watching him for twenty seconds!
But then they felt a nose pressed up against their hand. Chris was sitting on all fours, sniffing Y/n's hand. "Smell nice..." Chris mumbled. 
Y/n pulled their hand away, awkwardly laughing at the situation. 
"Hey, buddy, why don't we get back to the Tortuga?" Martin asked, or more like told Chris. 
Chris looked up at Martin before running ahead of the group. 
"Dang it Chris! Keep up with him!" Martin shouted.

Y/n and Martin ran after Chris, slightly struggling to keep up at first, but eventually catching up with him. 
"Chris stop!" Martin yelled at his brother.
"Chris! Slow down!" Y/n huffed. That made Chris stop. 
Chris turned around and went over to Y/n, tilting his head in confusion and concern as Y/n bent over with their hands on their knees as they tried to catch their breath.
He... Seems to... Listen to you..." Martin said between breaths. 
"I wonder why..." Y/n said. They placed their hand on the side of Chris' face, making him lean into their touch with a satisfied purr like sound. 

"I'm gonna call Aviva and see if she can get Jimmy to fly the Tortuga in that open field over there." Martin pointed off in the distance. "Keep an eye on him." Martin walked away to the open field in hopes for better service.
Y/n nodded, looking down at Chris who was wagging his tail, eyes closed in bliss as Y/n scratched underneath his chin. 

Y/n sat down on the grass, crossed legged and at eye level with Chris. "You don't have much luck with this power disc, huh." Y/n said with a laugh. They had to admit, the whole situation was a bit funny. Chris is response laid his head down in Y/n's lap, making them blush once again. 
Y/n had a crush on Chris, and had been trying to work up the courage to tell him. But with him stuck as a t-devil, now wasn't the right time. 
Y/n lightly stroked their hand from the top of Chris' head to the middle of his back as they waited for Martin to return. "You're very clingy right now, aren't you." They lightly teased.
Chris turned to lay on his back, looking up at Y/n with big eyes. 

Finally Martin returned with a happy grin. "Good news! The Tortuga should be here soon!"
"Sweet!" Y/n said happily. As much as they were enjoying Chris laying his head in their lap like a sleepy puppy, they wanted him to get his suit and disc fixed as soon as possible so they could have the real Chris back. 
"Here, I'll help you up." Martin held his hand out for Y/n to take. 
Chris however did not like that, and stood up, hair hackle, growling with teeth bared, and the ears on his suit going from a nice green to a red.
Martin took a step back with his hands raised in mock defense. "Whoa there!" 

Y/n couldn't help but laugh at Martin's reaction. 
"Geez, Chris, relax! They aren't your mate, chill!" That made Y/n stop laughing as they buried their head in their hands from embarrassment. Chris however continued to lowly growl at his brother, still being too close to Y/n in his opinion. 
"I'll just let you watch him, you seem to have it under control." Martin walked away. 

Chris fell back into Y/n's lap with a satisfied hum. He nudged his nose against Y/n's face, making them look up at him. Chris gave them a small lick on their cheek, before falling limp against their chest and closing his eyes. 
Y/n looked down at Chris, face still pink, heart racing, but a soft smile on their lips. They wouldn't forget this. 
Nor would they let Chris forget either....

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