first act!

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In Visenya, the blood of dragons flows, smart, energetic, joyful, stubborn and wild!

In Visenya, the blood of dragons flows, smart, energetic, joyful, stubborn and wild!

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Do not despair (...)! Despair is the weapon of the enemy whose name must not be spoken

)! Despair is the weapon of the enemy whose name must not be spoken

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You're mine (...). Mine as I am yours. If we die, we die. Everyone must die (...). But first we will live!

When you play the game of the mighty, you win or you die

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When you play the game of the mighty, you win or you die.

We are always capable of hating what we once loved with the same fire with which our love once burned

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We are always capable of hating what we once loved with the same fire with which our love once burned.

We are always capable of hating what we once loved with the same fire with which our love once burned

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You can fight fire with fire.

You can fight fire with fire

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