046 - Chicken Noodle

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A soft shade of pink danced across the bridge of Eddie's nose. "Flattery won't get you out of taking this, sweetheart."

I pouted and blew raspberries. "Fine, but can I at least have a chaser?"

"Already on it, princess" he replied, handing me a bottle of Gatorade. "No excuses."

I groaned and threw back the foul syrup, frantically chasing it down, and pleading with my stomach to keep it there. "So dramatic" Eddie teased, throwing himself down on the bed beside me.

I tossed an empty box of tissues at his annoyingly perfect head. "Shut it! I'll remember that the next time you get sick" I added, "Which will probably be within the next week since you insist on being nurse Eddie."

"Say you wouldn't be doing the same thing if the tables were turned?" he smirked, raising from the bed to move my damp hair from my face.

"I guess you're right" I resigned, leaning into his palm.

"Let me help you, baby." he whispered, rubbing small circles into my cheek.

"Run me a bath?"

Eddie's POV

I held my fingers against the running water, testing the temperature. I didn't want to risk raising her already elevated temperature, but also didn't want her to freeze to death. I added a couple capfuls of bubbles, lit one of the candles by the sink, and made my way back to Ali.

She had removed her oversized pajamas and spilled into a plush robe. Her nose was rubbed raw, and her hair thrown into a disheveled, messy bun on top of her head. She looked absolutely pitiful. Stunning...but pitiful.

I took her hand and led her to the bathroom. The air now warm and steamy from the running water, and the tub nearly overflowed with bubbles.

"Shit!" I sputtered, quickly turning the silver knobs to a close. Ali giggled, wasting no time to face the tub and slowly remove her robe.

Though I had seen her body numerous times before, I still felt the familiar lump of nerves form in my stomach each time. Something about knowing she felt comfortable enough to bare it all...body and mind, sent my heart into overdrive.

I cleared my throat and quickly turned my head, a small and incredibly difficult effort to maintain and my gentleman complex.

She's sick, Munson.

With her back still turned, she slowly submerged her body beneath the opaque cloud of white suds. I quietly cursed myself for adding one too many capfuls of bubbles as Ail released a small sigh, closing her eyes, and relaxing her body into the water.

"Want me to wash your hair?" I offered, any excuse to be near her.

Without opening her eyes, she shook her head and hummed "Mmhm."

I couldn't withhold my foolish grin, nor the twitch of excitement in my jeans as I knelt to the hard linoleum floor.

In attempt to stay dry, I reached for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head, and tossing it onto the counter. As I turned back, I noticed Ali staring at my exposed skin. I felt a smirk cross my lips as she quickly closed her eyes again, sinking further into the water.

"I added too many bubbles" I complained, teasingly swatting at the mounds of foam. "I can't see a damn thing."

Ali playfully slashed me. "Edward Theodore Munson!"

I threw my head back, laughing loudly at her use of my full name. "Oh, don't give me that! If you get to ogle, so do I."

We grew quiet again as I began to lather Ali's sweetly scented shampoo into her hair. Her eyes were closed, head completely relaxed, and lips slightly parted. I fought against every one of my senses pleading for me to lean down and kiss her.

Eddie Munson - Novel LikeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora