Sweet Spot (Sierra)

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How does this keep happening to me?

I watch the floor grow near and close my eyes shut, wrapping my arms around myself and bracing for impact.

Only it doesn't happen.

A pair of arms catch me instead and straighten me up until I'm upright again. I gingerly squint one eye open and take a peek at my surroundings.

No angel chorus, no sky full of clouds, no big golden gate or bearded man in a white robe...I guess I'm alive.

"Nice," I grin and hold the string of Christmas lights closer to my body so I don't trip over them again.

"Not nice," a menacing voice growls. It belongs to the pair of arms that caught me and those arms belong to the super grumpy man in question.

I roll my eyes as I turn to face him. His brows are furrowed like he's pissed. Surprise, surprise. The man has about two emotions and they're grumpy and horny. Very rarely something else.

"I'm fine," I insist and span my arms out to show myself. "See?"

Dark eyes narrow at me. "All I saw was you taking a nosedive five seconds into me walking away from you. You're not fine. You're a walking heart attack."

"Rude," I mutter.

"You have to be careful, baby," he shakes his head, obviously trying to stay patient. "Extra careful now."

I groan and let my head fall back, staring up at the ceiling in defeat. "Are you going to be even more Satan than usual?"

"I have to be."


"Yes, I do. It's my job."

"Considered yourself fired. Now you can act remotely human like the rest of us."

"I have no choice but to be unshakeably immortal where my wife is concerned."


I can't help but smile at my husband—husband—as I wrap my head around our newly appointed titles. Only three months married and that's not even the wildest part. The even bigger news came along a month after our wedding. News we've yet to share outside our little bubble.

As if reading my mind, Holden places his palm on my belly as if there's anything to hold. My bump isn't even close to coming in yet. The only thing he's holding is the three cupcakes that I just devoured five minutes ago.

I have a love hate relationship with owning a bakery and feeding into my every sugar craving. One one hand, Mama's eating good. On the other hand, I'm totally depriving the little bean of nutrients other than a million grams of sugar and an even larger consumption of caffeine. I wasn't always a coffee person but clearly the little bean is because I would bathe in it now if I could.

How Wattpad Stole Christmas: A NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now