Fighter's Den (Emily)

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*Please note that spoilers in the comments ARE NOT welcome. This chapter takes place years before The Unexpected Path. Cryptic comments about characters also count as spoilers as they make it obvious to readers that something is wrong. Let's try to make the comment section as spoiler-free as possible about any and all characters so new readers can have an authentic reading experience. Thank you.*

A hand tugs at my hair rougher than I'm prepared for and I startle awake, both from pain and shock

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A hand tugs at my hair rougher than I'm prepared for and I startle awake, both from pain and shock.

"Jax?" I mutter, shifting onto my back.

"No!" A childish voice replies in clear offence. "It's me. Why would daddy pull your hair?"

A deep and muffled chuckle comes from beside me that is definitely my husband. Blinking my eyes open the rest of the way I find his face buried into his pillow, shoulders still shaking from laughter. Landon sits on top of his bare back and stares down at me expectantly.

Remembering his question, I falter to come up with a response. I stall by sleepily rubbing my eyes. "Uh, of course he doesn't, honey. Only when he's being silly."

Jaxon turns his face to me, cheek to pillow. The mischievous glimmer in his green eyes is the same glimmer he gave all of his kids. We're a family of trouble.

"I think I was being silly last night," he whispers in a gruff tone. My arms prickle at the memory. So much trouble.

"What?" Landon demands with a frown. He leans down to yell in his father's ear. "What did you say daddy? You're being too quiet!"

"And you're being too loud."

He reaches behind him to grab Landon by the shirt and tugs him down until he falls on the bed between us. Landon immediately bursts into a fit of giggles despite Jaxon smothering his face with his obscenely large hand.

"Shh, go to sleep, kid. Forever."


I smack his arm off and wrap mine around Landon, pulling him into my side. I kiss his hair before pushing the light brown mess out of his eyes.

"Stop babying him." Jaxon pokes Landon's stomach, earning another giggle from our son.

"He is my baby," I protest.

"No, I'm not!" Landon scowls. Just like Lucas, he's a mirror image of Jax when he's mad. "I'm five!"

"Hear that, gorgeous? He's five. It's time he pays rent and makes his own food."

Landon's face immediately falls and he turns to me in panic, whispering. "Mommy, I don't know how to make food."

Jaxon snickers and I roll my eyes at his never-ending antics. "Stop bullying our children."

"He's the only one that doesn't bully me back. Lizzie is at the peak of her teenage drama life and Lucas gets off on acting like he's king of the world."

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