"I come bearin' some unfortunate news," Ezekiel suddenly said, causing his partner to freeze and tense up. He didn't even need to say anything else for the young man to know exactly what he was going to bring up. Colt felt his stomach turn as he suddenly collapsed on a chair nearby, causing the creature to slowly make his way towards him.

"Don't tell me those damned bastards who sent you won't reconsider."

Ezekiel didn't know how to give a proper response, knowing that whatever he said would only further upset Colt. But he couldn't just turn a blind eye to his true nature and pull a facade just because he felt compassion. He didn't care what happened to Graveflat or anyone in there- except for Colt. And that unwanted connection was only making things more complicated for him.

"I'll think of somethin'. Just because that horribly sad face of yours truly does wrench my heart."

"You're just making fun of me."

The creature sneered, hissing as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. He shook his dark head, round black eyes narrowing as he stared directly at the other, "I'm not a complete monster. I once had a family, too."

Ezekiel's words faded as his mind drifted to Jesús. Him and the man were more alike than he cared to admit, and that was probably why there was animosity between the two. 

"Right. The family you killed." Colt's gaze turned cold, and he had gotten up from his seat in an attempt to escort the other back out the window.

"Since you are oh so eager to hear about my dear old cousin, I will tell you exactly what happened." Ezekiel forced the other to sit back down, slamming the door to the bathroom shut and not caring who heard him.

"My mother fell in love with a white man. Her father blessed the union but my other grandaddy wouldn't have it. Said no good would come from marryin' a native. Jump forward a year or so and I was born." The monster seemingly paused for a moment as the memories of his childhood began to take over. He continued, but his voice cracked slightly as he tried not to get too into his emotions.

"My mother's people...they adored me. They accepted me as one of their own despite not lookin' or dressin' like em. And these white folk back in town. Well, you can just imagine all the disgustin' things they said. Jump forward a few days, my father was takin' care of me  when my mother went to buy some goods round the corner. She never did come home, and that poor old bastard never told me what happened to her either. Next thing I know it's just him and I. Two lonely boys surrounded by spiteful, judgmental lil eyes."

Colt cast his gaze down, his lips set in a firm line as the story continued.

"I was already a young man by the time they confronted my father and shot him dead. They would've gotten me too, but I went back to my own people. Everyone was glad to have me...and so was Ajei. We were as close as ever him and I. He taught me how to hunt, how to skin, how to survive. Then one day my dear ol' grandfather pulls me aside. He says the white settlers must pay for what they had done to the my parents. And..." Ezekiel couldn't finish. For a moment there was a long pause and Colt slowly looked up, aware of the creature standing still in the barely illuminated room. He was like a statue, not a breathe of life lingering on that cold flesh he possessed.

"I-is everything alright?" Colt asked warily, unsure of what was going on or what had caused the other to become so rigid.

Hearing the words suddenly seemed to bring Ezekiel to life. He slowly made his way over to the other and rested beside him, the strong scent of fresh herbs enveloping the other. He was already used to it at that point, though, and didn't find the need to scrunch his nose like before.

"I have nightmares, Colt. Of the night the old man took me up to the mountains. There were others there, and a ceremony." Ezekiel could see it all before him again. The fire reflected off the cavern walls as the sound of chanting echoed around him. He lifted up his hands- darkened with blood. The blood of his first love.

"You can't be what you are now without detachin' yourself from your family. But I did what I did for my loved ones. Paid the ultimate price and committed the gravest of sins just to get a hold of power that could avenge my parents."

Colt's face saddened as he tried not to look at his companion. He mulled over the idea of what he would do if some towns people had killed his own mother and father...would he do anything just to get back at them?

"I'm sorry about your family." The young man responded pathetically, unsure of what to say exactly. He ran a tongue over his bruised lip and turned to the other, gingerly placing a hand on that cold, dark shoulder before him. It didn't make what Ezekiel had done right...but the injustice he had faced wasn't right either.

Ezekiel lifted his head in surprise. The two made deep eye contact before the creature placed a hand over the one that consoled him. In that sad, sympathetic look Colt wore the being felt as if Ajei was looking right at him. Forgiving him for the sins he committed...and would continue to commit. All for a better world.

"Thank you, Colt. Thank you."

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now