A common mineral in Terra, this semi-transparent black crystal contains enormous energy, and is the primary factor of causing Catastrophes.

Widely used in the field of Arts, it works as the basic material and catalyst of all kinds of Arts and Arts items. Without Originium, the efficiency of Arts would, without a doubt, drop dramatically. As technologies develop, more and more countries start to use it as an energy source.

Soon as the check up ends, the results are the same sign of any anomalies around you, same goes that Arts of your as well.

(Y/N): Is that all?

Kal'tsit: Yes. As far I see... There's no sign of any Originium on your body, however your physics somehow improve via large margen.

(Y/N): How, so?

Kal'tsit: like an Epitome of what a superior soldier that is essentially made for battle. You're peak physical condition of slender, athletic frame with a well-defined, largely muscular build.

(Y/N): I see... But anyway thank you, Kal.

He said before leaving the room, leaving Kal'tsit alone there, unknown to the Doctor, Kal'tsit was starting at him, with aloof look on her face.


Right now... You're currently in the training room as you and Ace spared against one other while Doberman is watching you both inside the training room.

As the sound metal echoes through the entire room, Ace did his bed to keep you at bay with his unshakable defenses.

As you continue to strike back at him, reletlessely, scratching through his shield forcing him back, in each every blow but yet refuses to back down easily, before retaliating on you with a shield bash that nearly throw you off.

If you haven't blocked that quickly, as you feel your knee, exhausted while Ace did the same as well.

Ace: Not bad... Doc, You're getting stronger, each day...

(Y/N): Thanks to you...

Ace: Ahh, really brings back some memories, heh. Those many years ago when Dr. Kal'tsit would always be at odds with you. Still a mystery why she seems to dislike you.

You just chuckled in response.

(Y/N): You tell me. I've been wondering that myself.

Ace: Yeah, that's the thing. It confuses me that you two don't get along with each other to this day. Even more since the two of you are married.

(Y/N): Yeah, I Know.... ... ... wait... what...

Ace: As your co-worker, I'm worried that both of you will end up getting divorced. It would really be--

(Y/N): H-Hold on... What did you just say...?

Ace: Uhm... That you might end up getting divorced?

(Y/N): B-Before that...

Ace: Uhm... The fact that your relationship with Dr. Kal'tsit is complicated even though you two are married?

(Y/N): M-M-Married...?

Ace: A-Are you, alright Doctor?

(Y/N): I-I-I'm married t-to...... Kal'tsit?!

Ace: U-Uhm, wait you didn't know? Everyone who was recruited long time ago knew you were married.

(Y/N): W-What the hell...

Ace: And the weirdest thing is, that you two didn't end your marriage despite it all. Even after you went asleep... Oh wait, oh right! You had amnesia! I totally forgot!

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