Ch. 18 Sleepless Nights and Endless Days

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A week later

Mayas POV

"Let's go kiddo! Run time!" My dad yells turning on my light with a smile on his face.

"Dad I'm feeling sick." I whisper curled in a ball feeling my body beginning to fail at the lack of sleep. Last time I had a full night of sleep was about half a week ago.

Ever since this concussion, I have had sleepless nights and terrible nightmares.

We take off on another 3 mile run and I collapse halfway through the route. My dad, of course thinks I'm being dramatic.

"Get up kid!" He shouts jogging in place and I begin sobbing. "I-I can't. I can't see." I whisper feeling my vision going out.

"GET UP!!" He shouts again and I begin to weep. "D-dad please. Please I can't see. I can't see." I whisper feeling along the ground trying to ground myself before I slip into a panic attack.

"Call the police. Call an ambulance. I can't see. I'm scared." I start to say crying harder and harder, growing more breathless.

"I'm not calling the fucking police. Get the fuck up." He growls picking me up like I'm a rag doll. I lay there limp and suddenly I hear sirens.

I hear footsteps and I am thrown to the ground.

"Sir!! Sir. What are you doing??" I hear someone yell and I lay there sobbing on the ground. Still unable to see. I feel a hand and I jump. "PLEASE! I CANT SEE!!" I scream and I feel the hand retract.

"Ma'am I won't hurt you. I'm taking you to a hospital."

"Grey Sloan. My wife is Carina. Get her." I say before I pass out.

Carinas POV

"Juni!! Come on baby we're gonna be late!" I shout to my little girl who comes running down the stairs. Em and I have been waiting for her for a good 10 minutes. "Okay. Let's go babies." I say as we walk out the door.

I drop them both off at school and I get a phone call from April.

"Hey what's up?"

"You need to come to the hospital right now."

"Why?? What's wrong??" I ask panicked.

"It's maya. She's here. She collapsed on a run with her dad. She is extremely sleep deprived and dehydrated. It's bad Carina."

"I'm on my way." Immediately I hang up and I fly to the hospital. I'm sure I was going at least 20 over.

I run in and I'm met by Meredith.

"Hey, carina, carina." She says grabbing my arms stopping me from marching to the back.

"She is bad. She looks bad. She can't see and that's all that's on her mind. If you are going back there you are going back there to comfort her. You know her. You know how to help. I know you two are having problems but right now those aren't relevant. She needs you." I nod and she lets me go. I run to the trauma room she's in and I hear her instantly.

"Jackson please, please get carina. I can't see." She whispers clutching his hand and he looks up and meets my eyes.

He mouths "it's bad" and I nod. "I'm here bambina. I'm here." I say walking over and taking Jackson's place. She immediately falls apart.

"Please don't leave. Please. Please. I am so sorry. Carina I can't see anything. It's blank. What did I do???" She rambles and I squeeze her hand gently.

"Baby, your body is under a lot of stress. Tell me what's going on. I can help if you tell me."

"I-I haven't slept. I haven't slept or ate, I had a concussion, my dad is ruining me. I've run every morning from 3 to 7 and then I've worked and I am dying. I can't do this. I'm stressed."

"Okay shhhh. You're okay, it's okay. Your body is begging for a break honey. We're gonna do that. You're hooked up to an IV, it's hydrating you, when was the last time you ate?"

She hesitates and she shakes her head.

"I-i can't remember."

I feel my blood boil thinking about how mistreated my wife has been.

"Okay. We're not going to rush food. We're gonna hook you up to a feeding tube when we get you a room okay?" I ask and she nods. "I am so tired." She whispers and I nod. "I know honey. You take a nap, we're gonna check you over and make sure you're okay. When we get a bed we'll get you in there."

She nods and I see her lean her head back. A blank stare on her face.

"C-can you guys knock me out? I can't sleep by myself." She whispers and I look up to Jackson and he nods. "Yes baby. We're gonna get you something."

I hear the door behind me open and I feel Maya clutch my hand.

"Shhh it's okay. It's just Jo." I whisper softly stroking her hair out of her face trying to comfort her.

Jo mouths sorry and I nod reassuringly. "Maya, I've got some zolpidem. This is to help you go to sleep and to stay asleep. This can cause drowsiness, dizziness or clumsiness and you need to stay in bed when you take it." She nods staring into space and I take the pills and I place them in her hand.

She throws them back and drinks some water and I sigh.

"Okay. Stitches are done. The hair will grow back with time, around the scar. In 2 weeks come back and I will take these out." I nod and I look to the scar.

It's long, it covers the side of her head, probably where she hit her head on the curb. From the top of her left ear to her eyebrow it's jagged.

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