Ch. 2 Boiling Point

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Emberleys POV

Maya and I walk up to her office and she closes the door indicating I'm in some trouble.

We take a seat and she sighs before rubbing her forehead frustratedly.

"Im sorry." I say quietly and she shakes her head. "Im not the one you need to be saying that to." I nod and she looks up to me before saying

"What did you even say?"

"She was trying to be a bi-a jerk. And I was not about it."

"How was she trying to be a jerk?"

"She made me go and sit next to her."

Maya scoffs and chuckles and I can feel my face heat up. Maybe that isn't a good enough reason to make a teacher cry.

"Im so-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. Carina is the one who is pissed. Im pissed off at you, but you could care less. Because I'm always pissed at something. Carina, your good cop isn't gonna be good cop for long. As soon as she's done with her surgery, because you interrupted that. She's gonna come up here and she gets to chew your ass out." She explains and I nod silently. "Do homework or something. Do NOT leave this office." And with that she stands up and walks out.

I fucked up.

Time passes and Carina finally gets off work.

I hear the big door close to the station and I turn to see Carina, looking madder than hell.


She walks up the stairs and the door to mayas office flies open and shut within an instant.

I'm in deep shit.

"I'm so-"

"No. Do not speak. You listen to me because I am the fucking parent. I have listened far too many time and you've taken advantage of me. So shut your mouth and listen to me." She growls out making me nod.

"You are a child. While, you are not inferior to adults because of age, you WILL treat them with respect when they are superior to you. That is a teacher. That is a human being and you are acting as if we raised you to be full of malice. I thought I raised a sweet kind young lady but you are proving me wrong. I am so disappointed in you."

That hurt.

"I still love you and nothing could ever stop that but right now I do not like you. I do not like the human you are becoming. Humiliating another person shows that you are truly inferior to her because you feel the need to prove dominance. I've hit my boiling point Emberley. Give me your phone." She holds her hand out expectantly and I hand it over.

"No friends for 2 weeks. You will walk to and from school and that's all. Maybe that will teach you to be a good person." And with that she walks out of the office in a huff leaving me with my thoughts.

Carinas POV

"Woah there hot mama. Let's cool down, huh?" Maya says smiling at me making me roll my eyes unamused.

"Hey, I'm not the one who pissed you off honey, let's realize that now." She says pulling me into her by my waist.

Literal butterflies.

"You're lucky you're cute bambina." I say smiling at her before pulling her in for a kiss making the team gag.

"Get a room Delucas!!" Vic teases smacking mayas shoulder.

"It's deluca-bishop, Hughes. Don't make me fight you." She says pulling away before faking some boxer moves. "Oooookay my little fighter, walk me out to my car." I say smiling at her goofiness.

"Wear protection!!" Andy yells out the door.

"Hahaaaa" I say pulling maya by her hand to my small 'zoom zoom' car as maya calls it. Luckily the parking lot to the station is kinda private because my intentions are up to no good.

(A/n well everyone this is abt to be awko for all of us. I'm gonna attempt some smut)

As soon as I know we're out of eyesight and earshot I pin maya up against the car by her neck causing her groan quietly making me smirk.

"Oh what Bambina? You like that?" I tease before leaning in to kiss her neck she leans her head back to give me more access to her neck and I start to nip at her neck teasingly.

"I-if you don't quit we're gonna end up fucking right now. Quit this." She says trying her best to be assertive which I find cute.

Everyone knows I'm a top.

"I would have no problem fucking you right now, but with how loud you are, you may be a little embarrassed." I tease sucking on her neck.

I pull her into me and I open the door and push her into the backseat behind her before shutting it behind me.

Let's just say I'm glad we got into the car.

(Lmaoooo I couldn't commit to the smut😭)

Emberleys POV

I walk out of mayas office into the Beanery where the team is hanging out eating some dinner.

"Hey princesa! Are you hungry?"

I shrug and sit down on the couch next to Vic and she drapes an arm around me.

"What's going on kid?" She asks when Andy joins us on the couch.

"I don't know! Sometimes I just get angry and overwhelmed and I can't control it and I just let it out on people." I explained angrily causing both of the women to nod.

"You know what I think?" I ask growing more and more frustrated with myself.

"What's that honey?" Vic asks cocking her head. "I think I got my parents anger issues." I spat before getting up and walking into the engine bay. I crawl onto the top of an engine and I lay down.

Sometimes I wish I weren't here at all.


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