Chapter Twenty Seven - Neil

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It was getting chilly again outside and the fireplace was being used more often than not. Even though it was the humid south, there were still very cold rainstorms and frigid, wet weather that just stuck to you.

Due to the very short weather change, Esther's half of the closet looked like sweaters and crew necks while mine remained the same.

It must be tiring being as small as her.

Getting cold all the time and not being able to regulate body temperature?

I guess I helped her stay warm in my own ways.

Today, the way I kept her warm was letting her continuously tidy the already spotless house.

There wasn't much more I could do though, she was nervous regardless of any comfort I tried to offer.

I guess Loretta and Johnson were coming to the house for dinner with Will.

"Esther, you wiped that down three times ago. I think it's plenty clean."

She came to a stop in front of me as I lounge back on the couch, feet crossed over the ankles on the coffee table.

No words.

Knock knock.

That definitely piqued my interest. I understood that this adoptive family likes to stand out and be different, but goddamn.

"Who the fuck only knocks twice?"

I get up from the couch as Esther gives me a knowing look, "No one."

I get to the front door and open it to exactly as she told me, however, there was a sleek silver car making its way down the dirt road I live on.

"See, Est? They're not all bad. They basically told me that the Bakers are almost here."

I chuckle when she shakes her head as if she wanted to say something, but she just gives me a somber smile and goes to get dressed.

Minutes later, I welcome the extravagant family into our home, shaking hands with the adults and fist bumping Esther's son.

"She'll be right out, she was too excited to get ready on time," I joke making my way to the kitchen with everyone.

I give the tour while we wait on my beautiful woman for what seems like forever.

And ever.

And ever.

That is until everyone digs into the charcuterie board and vegetable platter Esther had prepared.

I check the clocks I have on almost every wall and they all tell me that they walked in forty minutes ago, we sat down thirty five minutes ago, and I've been watching the two regal adults look around my house with raised brows for approximately twenty minutes now.

"Y'all hang tight, I'm gonna go check on Esther and make sure she's not dead or something."

That earned me a quizzical yet concerned look from both Loretta and Johnson.

I'm sure they've done their research on me, there's no way they haven't.

"I can't wait to see Auntie Esther! Can I come with?"

I rub in the sandy brunette hair that was neatly trimmed on top of... Will's head.

I don't know what his dad looked like but he peers up with his mama's eyes.

Other than that, he doesn't resemble Esther much. Maybe he has a few freckles on his nose but I'm hoping his hair will darken up like Esther's.

His life will be so much better if it does.

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