"give it up hangman." i chime in, feeling bad that roosters getting all the heat.

"actually he seems to get you a little rattled too sunshine? is there a story there?"

"not one im going to tell hangman. now can we focus on the assignment? where is he?"

"been here the whole time." maverick appears out of thin air, inverting his plane over roosters.

"holy shit." hangman and i both say at the same time. none of us had seen a maneuver like that before.

"come on, lets get it over with." im about to interject so they dint get hurt but rooster beats me to it.

"fights on!" i would've laughed at the look on his face if it weren't for him engaging in a terrible maneuver with the instructor.

as maverick and rooster quickly spin toward the hard deck, hangman and i look at each other, concern showing on both our faces. "what is with these two?" hangman shouts. i shake my head in reply.

i watch helplessly as they fly below the hard deck and rooster refuses to drop down and take the shot at maverick.

"come one rooster, take the shot damn it!" he ignores me and pretty soon maverick has pulled back and shot down rooster himself.

"go see hondo about your pushups."


"whats wrong with you? breaking the hard deck, insubordination? are you trying to get yourself kicked out? i mean im pissed at captain mitchell too, but really rooster?" i approach rooster while hes finishing up his pushups. i tried to be calm when i talked to him so as to not cause another fight, but bradshaws flying has always pissed me off. i know i come across as much more angry than i mean to.

"he pulled my papers at the academy." bradshaw sits with his arms around his knees. i pull the legs of my flight suit up and crouch down to be on his level.

"captain mitchell?"

"set me back four years,"

"why would he do that?" bradshaw doesnt answer me, instead he looks away and im beyond confused at this point. this must be what maverick meant when he said bradley hated him.

deciding to just let it go, i stand up and reach out my hand for bradshaw to take. he looks up at me confused. "come on, you need a shower. you stink." he smiles softly and takes my hand, letting me lead him toward the locker rooms.

"what have you been up to since topgun?" i ask him.

"i joined the golden warriors, dated a few girls, then got called back here."

"mmm, sounds eventful."

"oh, very." he looks at me and i smile softly. "what have you been up to?" he nudges my shoulder with his.

"storm and i stayed here in mirimar, i joined the friendlies. there was some family drama along the way, but whatever."

"any boyfriends?"

"no, i did get myself a dog though." bradshaw seems shocked by my answer.

"you havent dated at all in the last four years?"

"well, i havent exactly been asked out. not that id have the time anyway." i smile and we stop as we reach the locker rooms.

"i cant imagine a girl as beautiful as you not having a boyfriend." bradshaw turns to me and leans agains the wall.

"yeah? well its shocking to me too." i joke. ive always been one of those girls that is slightly unapproachable. men have never really talked to me or shown any interest. i dont know why, ive always thought that i am conventionally attractive.

"let me take you out. i can show you what its like to date a real man, one who asks a girl out when he likes her." i look up at bradley, shock written on my face. he has a small smirk going on under that pornstache of his.

"youre joking." i smile at him and he laughs. i almost beleive what i said when he speaks again.

"no im serious. i wanted to ask you out four years ago and im not going to keep talking myself out of it."

"i thought we hated each other." i step a little closer, my body fully facing him. he still is leaning on the wall next to us, his arms crossed over his chest.

"i never hated you. i was just an arrogant son of a bitch, who cant admit when hes sorry."

"im sorry, did you just quote harry styles to me?"

"would it help get you to agree to go out with me?" he raises an eyebrow and leans ever so slightly closer to me. my breath hitches and i grin at him.

"ill go out with you," he smiles. "on one condition." his smile falters. "i want sunflowers. and we will get icecream after whatever date you have planned. deal?" i stick my hand out to him and he takes it.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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