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when flore and i arrived at mirimar, they directed us to a small beachside house that we will stay at. two bedrooms and two bathrooms. it was perfect. we each pick a bedroom on opposite ends of the hall way and start unpacking.

tomorrow we have to head to base to start the program, but they told us we have tonight to do any thing we want. unpack, clean, drink, anything we can think of because we wont have the energy for it in the coming weeks.

my room has a queen bed yo the right, and a walk in closet and a bathroom to the left. theres a cute little window seat on the far wall. after i unpack all of my boxes im move to the floor to unpack my clothes.

"do you wanna get drunk?" i look up at the door from my spot on the ground. i had been unloading my suitcase into different piles, when florence interupted me.

"absolutely. when and where?"

"hard deck, fifteen minutes."

"okay, ill meet you there!" i call out but she already went back to her own room, leaving the door open on her way out.

sighing, i get up and close my door. i change into a red, spaghetti strap, tank top and some black, wide leg, ripped jeans. leaving my hair down, i touch up my makeup and grab my helmet.

florence already left in the truck a few minutes ago so i make sure to lock the door on my way out. i mount my kawasaki and take off right away, heading toward the hard deck. although, i had never been to the hard deck, i saw it on our way here, so i knew where it was located.

its a friday night, and the parking lot is packed so i have to park my bike in the sand, near the back of the bar. i shake my hair out as i take off my helmet and head inside. i bump into a few people that are leaving, and i mutter a few sorrys.

after i make it to the middle of the bar, i stand on my toes to see over the crowd. spotting flore at the back of the back by a pool table, shes hanging out with a few other pilots i don't recognize. i wave at her and make my way to the bar.

"one beer, please?" the bartender is a very beautiful middle aged lady, who smiles and gets a beer for me.

"are you a pilot too? most new customers are." she askes me.

"yeah, im headed to top gun tomorrow, thought id have a little fun before the rest of my life starts. im caroline."

"penny." she shakes my hand over the bar and i head over to flore.

"everyone this is my baby sister, caroline." florence intoduces me to the rest of the pilots in the bar. i glare at the use of my real name.

"yall can call me sunshine."

"im hangman, pleasure to meet you." a tall blond man approaches me holding out his hand. he smirks at me as i shake it for a second and let go. "im heading to the juke box, wanna come with?" he gestures to the corner of the room where there is a juke box, currently playing something boring.

"hell yeah," we walk over to it to pick a new song. hangman puts in a dime and tells me to pick. "are you sure? how many dimes do you have?"

"uhm, one sec... i have eight. including the one i just put in." he counts the dimes in his pocket as he speaks.

"do you think i should do something funny, or should i do good music?"

"oh, something funny for sure." i put in the rest of his dimes and select the arrangement of songs i want to play out.

"youre gonna regret that." i grab his arm and lead him back to the others just as the boring song ends and "whats new pussycat" starts to play its first of many. "so, now i know hangman but who are the rest of you guys?" i ask, addressing the whole group.

"im pheonix, thats coyote, this is fanboy and payback, and i just saw rooster walk in, he'll be over in a second i think." a beautiful brunette woman answers for the group, each person raising a hand when addressed.

"nice to meet yall, are we all going to top gun together?"

"it sure looks like it to me." i hear a deep voice behind me, its hard to recognize when he's not yelling at me, or calling me a bitch. i turn around slowly and try to keep the recognition off my face. "hello caroline, nice to see you again." he smiles down at me, his face only inches away from mine.

"call me sunshine, bradshaw. only my friends can call me caroline." i step back from him, bumping into the pool table behind me.

"only if you keep calling me bradshaw. only real pilots can call me rooster." he smiles innocently down at me, thinking hes won. i raise my eyebrows and smirk slightly, hearing his callsign.

"your callsign is a chicken? that says a lot about you, doesn't it?"

"better than the sun, nobody wants to look at the sun."

"at least the sun his hot, and nobody likes chickens because they stink. you know what we call chickens back at home?"

"what do you call them?"

"we call them co—"

"okay, okay. ladies, your both pretty. no need to fight about it" florence interrupts my perfect argument, making me glare at her. i take a swig of beer when i notice the others looking at us.

"i think your prettier than me." bradshaw slings his arm over my shoulder and pulling my close to him, whispering in my ear.

"i hate you." i elbow him in the ribs to get him to let go of me.

"i know." i can practically hear his smirk when he says that. making me walk away from him in order to remind myself of what i just told him.


the conversation moves all over the place for the rest of the night. ive long forgotten my half drank beer as hangman and i play our third round of pool. after i win for the third time in a row, i decide its time to go home so i can be well rested for tomorrow.

everyone in the bar was one edge as "whats new pussycat" played a total a seven times before the song changed to "its not usual." i claimed that the juke box must have been malfunctioning, i certainly did not use hangman dimes to do that.

"alright im going to head home, anyone else?" i say to the group of pilots around me. i hear a series of nos from everyone but bradshaw who says he'll walk me out. "i dont need you to walk me out bradshaw, im perfectly capable."

"yeah i know, but i like to act like a gentleman." he follows me over to the bar. penny had told me i could leave my helmet at the bar so i didnt have to keep track of it. it had been knocked over from various places all night until she came over and took it from bradshaw, who had picked it up for me.

bradshaw reaches over the bar, grabbing my hemet for me. we have a goodbye at penny as he puts a hand on the middle of my back, leading me out of the bar. he doesnt move his hand till were at my bike and he turns me so he can put my helmet on for me.

"ugh, okay! bradshaw, i can put this on myself, thanks!" i say annoyed, swatting his hands away from my face. clipping my helmet on, i sit down on my bike and start it. "ill see you tomorrow bradshaw." i grumble at him.

"dont sound too excited there sunshine." he grins at me as he steps back from my bike. i pull away and flip him off. the last thing i hear, before im out of ear shot is a rough voice shouting at me. "see you tomorrow!"


sunshine [bradley bradshaw x OC]Where stories live. Discover now