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"sir, this is sunshine requesting flyby." the soft feminine voice sounds over the radio. repeating the same request she makes every time she is successful on an assignment. nobody understands why she still asks because she always gets the same answer.

"negative," at that sunshine shuts off her radio and looks to her side. when she makes eye contact with her wingwoman, she nods only once. storm, her wingwoman nods back, a signal to each other that they are going to do what they want wether its allowed or not. and with that, both pilots increase their speed, heading toward the runway.

the watch tower rumbles loudly as the two pilots fly past it rather than landing, making admiral walsh turn red with anger. "thats it," he sets down his spilled coffee and marches out of the tower onto the tarmac. this was the third time this week that they had done a flyby without his permission.

caroline and florence kazansky were just making their way out of their aircrafts as walsh approached. as a ginger, his face was red with anger, which unnerved both girls. they had never seen him such a crimson shade.

"i want to see both of you in my office in fifteen minutes" walsh all but spits at them as the girls look at each other nervously. usually they left with a slap on the wrist because nobody wanted to be the one to kick out both of icemans daughters from the naval academy. maybe that changed today, because what walsh said next made caroline regret every decision she'd ever made. "and be ready to pack your bags"


i tap my foot anxiously on the floor as my sister and i wait for admiral walsh to talk to us. he's been staring at us, opening and closing his mouth for five minutes now. i've finally done it, ive finally gotten myself kicked out. way to go caroline , im sure this will finally get dad on your side. idiot.

"i hate that im doing this so much." walsh finally talks to them, very obviously upset about whatever it is he had to tell us. although the red in his face has faded, i dont believe the fire in his eyes ever would. i never thought he would be sad to see us go, he alwayes seemed like he hated us. "you two are the biggest pains in my ass i have ever had the misfortune of meeting, however, you are also the best pilots ive ever had the pleasure of training. and i cant beleive im doing this." he shakes his head, looking at his desk.

i turn my head to look at my sister with furrowed brows, but shes looking at the ground. i almsot feel bad, shes always wanted to be a pilot more than i did, and now here we are, getting kicked out. ice is going to kill me.

i turn my head to look at the ground as well. i feel a little guilty because it was my idea to do the flyby, but in my defense, i never thought i would get kicked out of the naval academy for it. i've done it so many times, and nobody had done much about it. even if i joined the navy to please my father, im still here because i love flying. i didn't want to lose this because of a minor mistake.

"sir please—" flore is about to beg for a second chance before shes cut off by admiral walsh.

"im sending you both to top gun. heaven knows youve earned it."

"sir," flore continues to try to reason before she processes his words. her eyes widen like dear in headlights and i try to hide my snort at the look on her face. "sir—"

"get out of my office. i want you both on the road to mirimar at 18:00" he begins looking at papers on his desk as if what he said hadnt just changed our lives. i start to grin before he looks up at me and gestures to the door.

i try to keep my smile hidden as we slowly exit the room into the hallway, but as soon as walsh's office door closes florence and i start jumping up and down. i grab her hands, laughing. "storm we did it! oh my gosh, we did it! were going to top gun!"

"damn right we did, we're kazanskys! did you really think we were going to be sent home?"

"obviously i thought that. you looked a little pale too though sis, so you're one to talk."

"yeah well i dont think we should pull stunts like that at top gun, or we might actually get sent back home."

"yeah yeah whatever, wanna race home?" we always drive seperatly to the base because i prefer to ride my kawaski ninja and she prefers the safer,dumber option of a green jeep.

"no, you always win." she says as she links her arm in mine and we start making our way to the parking lot, smiles still on our faces from the previous news.

"thats because im faster."

"no its because you cheat."

"if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying, and it ain't cheating if you dont get caught."

"thats what you've said the last five times i've caught you cheating."

"yet you never have any evidence to support that. i honeslty dont know how you passed tenth grade english, storm."

"by doing my homework, how exactly did you pass tenth grade math again?"


"thats what i thought," by now we had made it into the parking lot and florence is piling all her stuff from the locker room into the trunk of her car. realizing i cant ride my bike with all of my luggage on, i open her back seat and start loading mine in too. "what do you think youre doing?"

"i cant take this on the bike with me so i need you to take it home."

"no, i dont want it. youre just trying to weigh down my car so you'll get home first." florence often uses an accusitory tone when talking to me so im pretty used to it by now. although the accusations are usually justified, i think this time, even she knows shes grasping for straws.

"im going to get home first either way storm, surely you know that by now. besides, i really cant carry this and steer, so as an older sister you really should be trying to get me home safely." i look at her pleadingly with my hands on my hips. she glares at me and then sighs, closing ber trunk and walking to the driver side door. "is that a yes?"

"yes, but only because i dont want you to die." she gets in the jeep and starts it, rolling down her window. "but, you have to tell dad that we got kicked out."


"because he'll be pissed at you and it will be funny, i'll tell him were going to top gun after." she grins at me and starts pulling out of her parking space as i walk toward my purple kawaski. as she drives by me she honks obnoxiously and shouts out her window at me, "get out of the way pedestrian!"

"fuck you asshole!" i shout back, lifting my middle finger in her direction. then mounting my bike i take off, easily surpassing her. with only minor cheating and law breaking, i get home six minutes and thirty-seven seconds before her.


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