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florence and i get home before ice man does. after we explained everything to mom, we both head upstairs to pack for the next serveral weeks that we'll be in mirimar. we only have four hours to be completely packed and on the road so we both are hurrying in order to make it to family dinner too.

"thats mine." i look up at flore after i just tossed a black puff sleeve top onto my ever growing packing pile.

"what is?"

"that shirt, its mine." she walked across our shared room and grabs the shirt off my pile. just as im about to grab it back, she moves it out of my reach. "ive been looking for it for weeks."

"no you havent, because its not yours." i jump slightly to try to reach, but with her being two years older and a whole head taller, ive learned from experience that it will be impossible to get it back. "i bought it two years ago when we went to the mall, remember?"

"i don't remember that. i do remember that i bought it though." i roll my eyes as she packs my shirt into her own suitcase. "why do you always try to take my stuff?"

"why do you always try to take my stuff?" i repeat her question in a mocking, whiney voice, knowing it pisses her off every time i do it.

"wow, real mature care, real mature." she rolls her eyes at me and zips up her second suitcase.

"hey, shut up, i am very mature!" i retort while grabbing my tiny stuffed octopus off my bed and setting it gently on top of all my clothes, sitting down and beginning to fold them.

"yes, and thats exactly why you are packing a stuffed octopus, right?"

"her name is puffin, and shut up."

after we both had finished packing, we make our first trip out to the front yard where our moms truck is parked. mom will usually trade vehicles with us whenever we go away from home so that i can load my bike onto the back of the truck.

as florence is loading the back seat with our luggage, i move to the trunk and pull the ramps out. as i turn to grab my bike to move it closer, i see my dads truck pull into the drive way.

"storm, dads home!" i call over to her but shes already looking as well.

"whos he with?" i look back at them and sure enough there is a passenger i don't recognize. we both watch as they park, but dont get out.

"i dont know, an old friend or something?"

it looks like they are arguing before the man i dont know looks past ice and sees me. he stops talking immediately, iceman, in his confusion, follows the mans gaze over to me. i wave timidly at my dad and be waves back before turning off his engine and getting out of the truck and walking over to us.

"i thought you two were still at the academy." he gives us both a hug as his passenger makes his way out of the truck and over to us. i look over at flore and she winks and nods her head, making me remember the deal from earlier.

"oh, um. well, storm and i sort of got kicked out." i look down at the cement under my feet as i lie. i notice a rolly polly on the ground and i smile at it gently. what does it do if it rolls up, but cant unroll? that would be terrible.

"you got kicked out of the naval academy?" my dads voice breaks me out of my thoughts and i look back up at him. all i can see in his face is total embarrassment. probably because one of his friends is standing right there idiot.

"um, only sort of."

"what did you two do? you only had two more weeks left of the program, you couldn't stay on your best behavior in order to graduate?"

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