"Open your eyes baby" I said to our daughter, I watched as her eyes widened in surprise and happiness at the mountain of presents that we got her and I knew she wanted to open them immediately.

"You can open them after we eat the cake" Valentina said to her, Mallory sighed and asked me to put her down. Valentina went to the kitchen so she can get the cake while I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing again. Who could it be? I haven't invited anyone?

I went to the door expecting the worse before opening the door, I sighed at the familiar face and smiled.

"Sasha!" Mallory yelled from behind me and ran to the Russian woman standing in front of my door. I got out of the way letting her get in, I smiled at Sabine who was getting the gifts they brought for Mallory out of the car.

I hugged her tight and walked with her back inside the house, I found everyone sitting in the living room with Mallory on Sasha's lap. Of course she was her favorite, she always told me she loved how Sasha dressed...

"You think I'd miss my favorite niece's birthday? Never" Sasha said to Mallory who just smiled at her with a toothless smile, Valentina brought the cake with 5 birthday candles lit on it and put it on the table.

I grabbed my phone and started filming as we all sung happy birthday to Mallory who was smiling at all of us so lovingly.

"I love you mommy!" Mallory yelled kissing Valentina's face multiple times, she was opening her gifts and she loved every single one of them. You might say we're spoiling her too much and I know that, she deserves more than just that.

"This is from me" Sasha said giving Mallory a huge box, my kid started ripping the wrapping paper and I rolled my eyes at the gift. It was a toy gun, a toy rifle to be exact. Mallory picked up the toy with wide curious eyes before smiling widely, she pulled the trigger and it made fake shooting sounds which made Mallory laugh hysterically.

"See, I told you she'll love it" Sasha said to Sabine who just rolled her eyes, Sasha picked up the last present and handed it to my daughter. When she opened it, she stared at the cyborg toy that had one metal arm, I laughed at it because I knew Sasha picked it up in reference to me.

Mallory on the other hand didn't seem happy, she put the toy down and walked to me. I picked her up and sat her on my lap, she had a sad expression which made me worried.

"What's wrong baby? You don't like it?" I asked and she shook her head no and sighed.

"I do like it momma, but when I tell my classmates that my mommy has a robot arm they make fun of me" she said in the saddest voice I've ever heard, I looked up at Valentina who had the same worried and surprised expression as everyone.

"They call me liar and bad words I don't like" she said again before leaning her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and gently patted her legs.

"How about tomorrow, I go with you baby. And you show me who says those bad words to you" I said softly, she nodded her head in agreement and I kissed her cheek.

"Okay momma" she said with a soft smile, I am going to make a new doormat with whoever made my baby sad. I looked at Sasha and she was probably thinking the same because the look she was giving the poor table was so harsh you'd think the table killed her panther.

Tomorrow I'll deal with those little bastards.

The next day, Mallory and I went to school hand in hand. When we got there, the other kids were staring at me. Well, more like my arm because I was wearing a t-shirt and my metal arm was very obvious.

"Mallory, why don't you show me who called you a bad word?" I asked when we stopped in front of group of kids, they all looked so scared at my sight and I loved it. She pointed to one girl with pigtails who was holding the hand of her mom. I smiled at the mom and walked closer to her.

"Your kid, has been bullying my daughter and calling her names. I will not tolerate any form of abuse towards my baby so I suggest you discipline your rat before I do it myself" I said in a very low voice.

I made sure Mallory was on my left and I put my right hand on a the door of a car next to us and pushed it and watched as the car moved a bit and I made sure left a very obvious dent on the car, because I saw the mom get out of it.

The woman looked at me in surprise while the other kids watched with their eyes wide, that only made the mom almost lose the last bit of color she had on her face, I wonder if I actually punched the window what she would do.

I wouldn't have done that in front of my kid obviously because she was sensitive. The woman finally modded her head and I smiled innocently at her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, my daughter has classes to attend to" I picked Mallory by her backpack and put her on my shoulder and made my way to the building.

"I love you momma" she said as I put her down, she smiled and hugged my neck. I smiled and kissed her little hands, I watched as she ran to her teacher and waved goodbye back at me.

I love my girls so much, Valentina and Mallory are the best things that ever happened to me and I'll do everything in my power to protect them, and give them the good life they deserve.


A cute last chapter for you lovely people! Because I am actually a sweetheart and I didn't kill any of your favorite characters 😌

I love you all and Thank you for reading my work, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I hope I can write another book very soon, I'll let you know what it'll be about.

You can put suggestions here if you like.

My idea was about a roman empress who falls in love with her slave.



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