"He has tattoos that hug and wrap around his body like a snake who's scared to let go of his prey..."

"Descriptive," James notes.

"He has dark eyes that scream danger but a good ass body that says take control of me," I say while leaning back in my chair. I close my eyes and see him standing at the bar. Seeing him trying his best to seduce that woman, and him leaving with disdain.

"He must be something if you're about to have an orgasm from a simple memory," James points out, interrupting my eutrophic thoughts.

I roll my eyes at his comment and grab the second stack of folders that he slid to me. Now it's his turn to freely dig in the bag of heaven.

"I want to see him again. The things I've imagined doing are nothing but sin," I admit.

"Are you going back?"

I nod.

"Friday. I'll give myself another free day after work and hope he's there," I start writing names on the folders.

"Bring me, yeah? He might have a friend."

"He did have a male friend. If you want a cock in your mouth, I'll surely introduce you," I joke, a laugh escaping my mouth.

"M-ma'am," a voice intrudes our conversation. It was an employee of mine. A newcomer.

"Yes, Nadia?"

"There's someone here to see you. Said you two know each other very well."

James and I share a confused look. James is the only one in this state that I know "very well." Everyone else is long forgotten or dead.

"Bring them to me. Tell Alisha to clock in their information."

Nadia nods before scurrying off to relay my message and obtain the person who claims they know me oh-so-well.

"The fuck?" James outbursts.

"Yeah," I say.

Heels click against my marble floors and soon enough my eyes catch smooth legs before trailing up to see a woman I was sure was somewhere far away from here. She smiles sweetly at me and tells Nadia that she can go. Nadia, of course not knowing her, stays and waits for my instruction.

"Go ahead, Nadia. Thank you," I assure her. She nods before turning around and leaving.

James puts his hand on my arm before following in Nadia's footsteps. He closes the door behind him, giving her the perfect chance to speak.

"I see you and James got closer," she says, almost spitefully.

"I see you're still a bitch," I retort, not liking the way she sounded about James. My best friend and partner in everything. I sit back down at my desk and finish up the stickers that he started. The woman standing before me just glares. "Oh, did I say that aloud? I'm sorry. I was supposed to say more but..."

"Childish," she spits.

"Bitchy," I sing, while grabbing my sharpie.

She huffs in unaccepted defeat and walks to my office door. I smile in victory but put on a serious facade as I look up.

"The firm seems to be flourishing- I've seen it in the headlines many times over the years. Even thought I'd come back, but with you-"

I cut her off with my obnoxious laughing. Tears start to spring to my eyes as I clutch my stomach. She's hilarious I'll give her that! Sure got a good laugh out of me. I stop to catch my breath, but start again just by looking at her face.

"You-" I wheeze. "You thought I'd let you come back? And so easily at that." I re-wipe my eyes. "You're a funny girl, Kylie."

"We did good running the business together. I don't see how it's still standing," she says, completely switching up.

"It's still standing because I make it stand," I tell her with my flattest tone. "I ran this company while your old ass knees crumbled. You crawled compared to me."

Kylie has enough and storms out. I dial the front desk and tell them to check her in case her press ons accidentally took something that didn't belong to her. James peeks his head in before fully entering. He whistles while plopping back down on the chair from before.

"She's worse than before."

"More fake. More bitchy-"

"More desperate," he finishes.

"Damn straight. Thought I was going to give her another job."

James has the same reaction as me and it already makes me feel better.

"You definitely need that break Friday night. Intoxicator is calling us from miles away," he cheers. I smile and slide him the last folder while sharing his excitement.

"Damn. Straight."

I'm getting better at this update thing.

What do we think about Kylie?
Are y'all ready for Ziya & Malik to finally meet?

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Talk later luvs!! 🝮

Talk later luvs!! 🝮

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