SSS 12/22

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Relationships sermon series
Genesis 2:23-4

Relationships are about finding someone to add value to, not someone to complete you. You should already be complete and two will "become one flesh." Many people get married too fast or for the wrong reasons. Your relationship with God is most important, then with your spouse, then your children, then your parents, then the rest of your family, then everyone else. Ask yourself or your children why want to be married.

How to have a thriving marriage:
1. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: effective, healthy communication resolves issues. James 1:19 Talk less, listen more. Seek first to understand, and then to respond. Defensiveness is a display of insecurities. Don't speak in absolutes.
2. Build an Affair-Proof Marriage: Speak each other's love language. Find out what they need. Wives generally want unconditional love and security. Husbands generally want unconditional respect.
3. (They ran out of time)


Hang around other men of God to learn from how they live. Take a victory lap to prause God when he has blessed you.

Teach children about the real reason for Christmas (Christ) instead of perpetuating the Santa myth.

The church ministries focus on the few that want to be invested in. Don't chase after people who don't want it. Seek FAT kids: faithful, available, and teachable. The ministry introduced these kids to professionals and gave the opportunities to help others to #change their mindset. The recent summer program gave opportunities to contact and meet entrepreneurs and communally talk about devotional.

Matthew 22:36-40
Relationships sermon series

Our relationship with God is most important.
John 15:12-15 You share different information with people during different levels of relationships. The deeper a relationship get, the more things you share to them. God is the same. If you are persistent then God will give it to you even if it's bad.

1 John 4:20 Many people focus on horizontal relationships with people instead of their vertical relationship with God. Your relationship with God must be on point before you handle your horizontal relationships.

Colossians 3:1-2 Don't be concerned with earthly things. Like oxygen masks on a plane, you need to help yourself before you help others. You need to give out of your overflow instead of out of your reserves. To have an overflow, you must allow God to pour into you first. Don't get so busy that you forget to go to the well of the word of God. Neglecting the word of God is why people become tired and depressed. You have to get yourself together to help others.

Aim to make an impact instead of an impression. You have to purposefully impact your kids; don't leave the responsibility to others. Live your life to positively impact the community.
Be a contributor instead of a consumer. Being a catalyst is even better.

(Different church than usual, not a sermon)

Hymns: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Away in a Manger; O Come, All Ye Faithful; Silent Night; Joy to the World.
A Very Noisy Christmas by Tim Thornborough

John 1:1-5 We are the light of the world and are called to share the joy of Jesus.

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