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(Different church)
Stand Up For Jesus sermon
Daniel 3

The founders of the US gave up their lives for political freedom of the United States. We should stand up for spiritual freedom in Christ.

King's requirements
Nebuchadnezzar required Hebrews to bow to the golden image or burn in the furnace.

Believers' resolve
The devil uses the world to appeal to believers, but they need to stand up for Jesus. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood up against King Nebuchadnezzar and didn't bow to the image.
1. They remembered their identity: Who they were (Hebrews who were taken and had their names changed by the King) and whom they were (God's). Shadrach's, Meshach's, and Abednego's names were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
2. They had a respect for scripture: Exodus 20:3-5 They we're willing to die over three verses, but modern-day believers have the entire Bible.
3. They were absolved to obey the Lord: We should obey God over men.
4. They refused to bow over the small things: Before thinking about dying for Christ, we need to think about living for Christ.

Heavenly results
God performs miracles when people stand up for God. People should use their influence to be ambassadors for Christ. We should stand out and be examples. The three children had great influence on the King. Nebuchadnezzar went from glorifying himself to glorifying God. They three children went from being killed to being promoted by Nebuchadnezzar. Even if they died, they would have been promoted by God.

We should be inspired by these three Hebrew children to stand up for Jesus.
"Nailing your colors to the mast." Not hiding your flag from the enemy and pretending to be one of them. Instead, you are proud and stand for your cause.

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Self-talk is important. Talking has more power than thoughts. When silently praying, the devil's words are more easily confused with God's words.

Mind Chains sermon
Romans 8:5-6

You win and lose in the mind first. Your behavior begins in the mind. The enemy wants to distract us in our minds.

Some people feel mentally tired, and that is when the enemy attacks.
James 1:13-15 Temptation, lust, and sin start in the mind. Sin causes spiritual death.

Backsliding is a gradual process. People have an inner rehearsal before backsliding.

Genesis 4

How to overcome temptations
1. Submit yourself to God: if you don't, then you will often swap one bad habit for another one. James 4:7 Matthew 26:41
2. Flee temptation: 1 Corinthians 6:18 You need to decide to leave sin, and leave it as quickly as possible. If you can't decide, the indecision is debilitating. 2 Peter 2:20-22 Don't return to your vomit, even if you find it appealing.
Sin never delivers/satisfies. It may give you a temporary high, but it doesn't show you the consequences.
3. Build safeguards against temptation: You can't prevent temptation, so you must find God's way of escape. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Avoid people that you commonly sin with; change your routine.
Temptations are more potent when you neglect your time with God or are physically tired. Praying, bible study, and accountability are common safeguards. If you are saved and don't have any safeguards, you can easily backslide.
Other safeguard examples: avoiding people of the opposite sex, avoiding compromising situations, and not gazing at people of the opposite sex in order to avoid lust.

You should start young when creating safeguards. Doing so helps you avoid addictions to sinful practices when you are older.

Romans 8:12-17
Mind Chains sermon series

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